[tor-bugs] #2408 [Tor Relay]: "PublishServerDescriptor hidserv" publishes a public relay descriptor
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
torproject-admin at torproject.org
Tue Feb 8 10:36:04 UTC 2011
#2408: "PublishServerDescriptor hidserv" publishes a public relay descriptor
Reporter: rransom | Owner: rransom
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: major | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.1.x-final
Component: Tor Relay | Version:
Keywords: | Points:
Parent: |
Comment(by rransom):
Replying to [comment:5 rransom]:
> Vidalia on Windows displays notice messages in its message log on
startup, so I would expect warnings to show up there, too.
Yes, they do, even before Vidalia has opened a control port connection to
Tor. (I tested this by adding `NoPublish foo` to my torrc, in order to
provoke a warning, and then telling Vidalia to start Tor.)
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2408#comment:6>
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