[tor-bugs] #4716 [Tor bundles/installation]: vidalia-0.2.15-1~oneiric tries to start a per-user Tor with system-wide settings

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Wed Dec 14 17:27:49 UTC 2011

#4716: vidalia-0.2.15-1~oneiric tries to start a per-user Tor with system-wide
 Reporter:  tigerjack89               |          Owner:  dererk       
     Type:  defect                    |         Status:  assigned     
 Priority:  critical                  |      Milestone:               
Component:  Tor bundles/installation  |        Version:  Tor:
 Keywords:  Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit       |         Parent:               
   Points:                            |   Actualpoints:               

Comment(by dererk):

 Can you confirm you have effectively re-logged your X session before
 starting Vidalia for the very first time?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4716#comment:5>
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