[tor-bugs] #3834 [Torflow]: Postgre bandwidth scanner has halted on moria

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Mon Aug 29 19:37:03 UTC 2011

#3834: Postgre bandwidth scanner has halted on moria
 Reporter:  mikeperry  |          Owner:  aagbsn
     Type:  defect     |         Status:  new   
 Priority:  major      |      Milestone:        
Component:  Torflow    |        Version:        
 Keywords:             |         Parent:        
   Points:             |   Actualpoints:        

Comment(by aagbsn):

 Are you running the latest torflow: (commit:
 Are you running the latest torctl: (commit:

 If yes to the above, it looks like the race described in #2947 still
 lives. Do you have a complete bw.log you can attach or email?

 Replying to [comment:4 arma]:
 > First traceback on scanner 1:
 > {{{
 > WARN[Sun Aug 28 20:30:57 2011]:No event for: 650 CIRC 35 LAUNCHED
 > L
 > Traceback (most recent call last):
 >   File "../../TorCtl/TorCtl.py", line 712, in _eventLoop
 >     self._handleFn(timestamp, reply)
 >   File "../../TorCtl/TorCtl.py", line 1333, in _handle1
 >     l.listen(event)
 >   File "../../TorCtl/TorCtl.py", line 1285, in listen
 >     self._map1.get(event.event_name, self.unknown_event)(event)
 >   File "../../TorCtl/SQLSupport.py", line 874, in circ_status_event
 >     idhex=r.idhex).with_labels().one()
 >   File
 "/var/home/bwauth/work/SQLAlchemy-0.7.2/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line
 1802, in one
 >     raise orm_exc.NoResultFound("No row was found for one()")
 > NoResultFound: No row was found for one()
 > }}}

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/3834#comment:6>
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