[tor-bugs] #2520 [GetTor]: GetTor should autorespond if someone writes email from a bad address

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sat Aug 20 20:06:20 UTC 2011

#2520: GetTor should autorespond if someone writes email from a bad address
 Reporter:  kaner              |          Owner:  kaner
     Type:  enhancement        |         Status:  new  
 Priority:  major              |      Milestone:       
Component:  GetTor             |        Version:       
 Keywords:  gettor, autoreply  |         Parent:       
   Points:                     |   Actualpoints:       
Changes (by arma):

  * priority:  normal => major


 What's the status here? Did we change something and not document it here?
 Or are we still silent when somebody sends us mail from a domain that
 can't handle gettor-sized responses?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2520#comment:3>
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