[tor-bugs] #2883 [Website]: Add Robert Hogan's OpenPGP fingerprint to docs/en/verifying-signatures.wml

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sun Apr 10 15:09:48 UTC 2011

#2883: Add Robert Hogan's OpenPGP fingerprint to docs/en/verifying-signatures.wml
 Reporter:  rransom      |          Owner:  mwenge
     Type:  enhancement  |         Status:  new   
 Priority:  major        |      Milestone:        
Component:  Website      |        Version:        
 Keywords:               |         Parent:  #2399 
   Points:               |   Actualpoints:        

Comment(by rransom):

 $ git tag -v 1.1
 object fda06ecbfe4894a07a3d202748803b313da35d6a
 type commit
 tag 1.1
 tagger Robert Hogan <robert at roberthogan.net> 1292085045 +0000

 version 1.1
 gpg: Signature made Sat 11 Dec 2010 08:30:45 AM PST using DSA key ID
 gpg: Good signature from "Robert Hogan <robert at roberthogan.net>"
 gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
 gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the
 Primary key fingerprint: DDB4 6B5B 7950 CD47 E59B  5189 4C09 25CF 22F6
 % gpg --check-sigs 0x22F6856F
 pub   1024D/22F6856F 2006-08-19
 uid                  Robert Hogan <robert at roberthogan.net>
 sig!         43229873 2008-05-05  Piotrowski Grzegorz (harcesz)
 <harcesz at obin.org>
 sig!3        22F6856F 2006-08-19  Robert Hogan <robert at roberthogan.net>
 sub   1024g/FC4A9460 2006-08-19
 sig!         22F6856F 2006-08-19  Robert Hogan <robert at roberthogan.net>

 % gpg --fingerprint 0x22F6856F
 pub   1024D/22F6856F 2006-08-19
       Key fingerprint = DDB4 6B5B 7950 CD47 E59B  5189 4C09 25CF 22F6 856F
 uid                  Robert Hogan <robert at roberthogan.net>
 sub   1024g/FC4A9460 2006-08-19


 Is this the right key?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2883#comment:5>
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