[tor-bugs] #1943 [Tor Relay]: Helper functions {get, set}_uint{16, 32, 64}() are not used

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Tue Sep 14 19:18:16 UTC 2010

#1943: Helper functions {get,set}_uint{16,32,64}() are not used
 Reporter:  asn  |        Type:  defect   
   Status:  new  |    Priority:  normal   
Milestone:       |   Component:  Tor Relay
  Version:       |    Keywords:           
   Parent:       |  
 The helper functions get_uint{16,32,64}() and set_uint{16,32,64}() should
 be used instead of "*(uint16_t*)(cp)" etc. to avoid unaligned address
 access problems with specific OSes.

 There are many cases in the source tree that this doesn't happen.
 For example, in the cell_unpack() function we have:
 dest->command = *(uint8_t*)(src+2);

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1943>
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