[tor-bugs] #1789 [Tor Relay]: Wake-up from Hibernation Occurs Day 1 Each Month

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Fri Sep 3 16:24:00 UTC 2010

#1789: Wake-up from Hibernation Occurs Day 1 Each Month
 Reporter:  BarkerJr             |        Type:  defect   
   Status:  new                  |    Priority:  minor    
Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.2.x-final   |   Component:  Tor Relay
  Version:  Tor:  |    Keywords:           
   Parent:                       |  

Comment(by nickm):

 Okay, so two new rules that might be good:

   * Set SoftLimit to 95% of accountingmax, OR to accountingmax - 500 MB,
 OR to  AccountingMax * (expected_uptime - 3 hours)/expected_uptime,
 whichever is *highest*.
   * When we hit the SoftLimit, record the number of bytes-per-minute that
 we, on average, logging up to that time.  Use _that_ to determine our
 usage for the next interval.

 Sounds plausible?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1789#comment:17>
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