[tor-bugs] #1368 [Tor Client]: Implement a heartbeat log message

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Mon Nov 29 04:12:44 UTC 2010

#1368: Implement a heartbeat log message
 Reporter:  Sebastian           |         Type:  enhancement
   Status:  new                 |     Priority:  major      
Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.3.x-final  |    Component:  Tor Client 
  Version:            |   Resolution:  None       
 Keywords:                      |       Parent:             

Comment(by atagar):

 > This was actually what triggered this report...

 Gotcha. However, I still think that if this is a common gotcha then a
 separate warning message that we're occasionally dropping from the
 consensus is the better way to go.

 > This is the other reason I wanted to do this

 That's fine, but if that's the goal then I don't think it's appropriate
 for this to be the default. Users should opt-in to a highly verbose log
 message, and if they want detailed information then controllers already do
 that in a better fashion (in my not-so-humble opinion).

 A short, concise heartbeat message is generally useful. Dumping a load of
 relay stats in an effort to make controllers irrelevant is both annoying
 and (I think) misguided.

 > so I don't need to run a controller with all the additional burdens and
 security concerns this imposes

 We obviously disagree on this controllers-are-bad viewpoint, but that's
 fine. Again, this is something users should opt-into rather than making it
 the default. I'm happy for them to have this option but I'm not so
 thrilled with defaulting to an annoying log dump based on this opinion.

 As a compromise how about a short, succinct log message (like the one I
 proposed earlier) by default, then giving the option for a verbose version
 if the user wants it?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1368#comment:9>
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