[tor-bugs] #2183 [Tor Relay]: router_rebuild_descriptor(): Bug: Couldn't generate extra-info descriptor

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Mon Nov 15 12:00:13 UTC 2010

#2183: router_rebuild_descriptor(): Bug: Couldn't generate extra-info descriptor
 Reporter:  Falo       |       Owner:  karsten            
     Type:  defect     |      Status:  needs_review       
 Priority:  normal     |   Milestone:                     
Component:  Tor Relay  |     Version:  Tor:
 Keywords:             |      Parent:                     

Comment(by karsten):

 See updated branch fix2183 in my public repository. This patch takes the
 (hopefully more robust) approach of joining smartlist elements to generate
 the extra-info descriptor.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2183#comment:13>
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