[tor-bugs] #2222 [Polipo]: Download process stops - only fraction of file is downloaded

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sun Dec 19 21:48:00 UTC 2010

#2222: Download process stops - only fraction of file is downloaded
 Reporter:  alexnv       |        Type:  defect                
   Status:  new          |    Priority:  minor                 
Milestone:               |   Component:  Polipo                
  Version:  Polipo: 1.0  |    Keywords:  download process break
   Parent:               |  

Comment(by alexnv):

 Dear Sir,

 1) That file was only 300 mb (too huge for Tor?)
 2) Please consider this:

 When download actually stops (in browser: 0 bytes/sec, unknown time
 remaining), the Vidalia Bandwidth Usage graph shows that the traffic still
 goes on, with considerable pace (40 kb/sec).
 As counter shows, more than 100mb were downloaded after the browser showed
 that it stopped.
 All that data goes "somewhere", but is not attached to the file.

 So, it seems that the bug is not a minor one.

 Replying to [comment:1 arma]:
 > I believe this is a polipo bug. Try taking polipo (the http proxy in
 your bundle) out of the loop and see if things get better. You can do that
 by going to Torbutton preferences and unclicking "use polipo". More
 generally, though, Tor is not designed for downloading huge files. So it
 is not entirely a bug that your huge downloads aren't working for you. :)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2222#comment:2>
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