[tor-announce] [RELEASE] Onionprobe release 1.2.0

rhatto rhatto at torproject.org
Wed Apr 24 18:31:00 UTC 2024


We just released Onionprobe 1.2.0, a tool for testing and monitoring the
status of Onion Services: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionprobe

This release requires a database migration for those using the monitoring node:

# ChangeLog

## v1.2.0 - 2024-04-24

### Features

* New metrics ([tpo/onion-services/onionprobe#78][]):
    * From the outer descriptor wrapper:
        * `descriptor-lifetime`.
        * `revision-counter`.
    * From the second layer of encryption:
        * `single-onion-service`.
        * `pow-params`.
    * HSDir latency when fetching descriptors.

* Enhanced Grafana Dashboard ([tpo/onion-services/onionprobe#80][]) with the
  following new visualizations:
    * Overview:
        * Current failure rate of onionsites.
        * Total expiring certificates in the next 7 days.
        * List of certificate expirations up to the next 180 days.
        * List of unreachable instances.
        * Graph with the total unreachable instances.
        * List of invalid HTTPS certificates.
        * List of services with HTTPS errors.
    * Performance:
        * Total of minimum, average and maximum service connection latency.
        * Total of minimum, average and maximum descriptor fetch latency.
        * Chart of minimum, average and maximum service connection latency.
        * Chart of minimum, average and maximum descriptor fetch latency.
        * Rate of services using the single hop mode, relative to the total services monitored.
        * List of slow services.
    * Descriptors:
        * List of services missing a published descriptor.
        * Chart of the minimum, average and maximum descriptor sizes (decrypted outer layer).
        * Chart of the minimum, average and maximum descriptor sizes (decrypted second layer).
    * Introduction points:
        * Chart of minimum, average and maximum number of introduction points per service.
        * List of services and it's number of introduction points.
    * HSDir:
        * Total number of HSDirs tested.
        * Chart of minimum, average and maximum HSDir latency for fetching descriptors.
        * List of HSDirs sorted by descriptor fetch latency.
    * Proof of Work (PoW):
        * Ratio of services with PoW enabled, relative to the total services monitored.
        * Total number of services with PoW enabled.
        * Chart of minimum, average and maximum PoW v1 effort seem.
        * List of services with PoW enabled.
        * List of services with PoW enabled with effort greater than zero.

* Improved log message for elapsed time.

* New log messages for:
    * Number of introduction points.
    * HS_DESC events:
        * Descriptor reachability.
        * HSDir used.

* Create a GitLab release at every new tag (experimental)

* Running lintian on CI to check the generated Debian package.

[tpo/onion-services/onionprobe#78]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionprobe/-/issues/78
[tpo/onion-services/onionprobe#80]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionprobe/-/issues/80
[tpo/onion-services/onionprobe#82]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionprobe/-/issues/82

### Fixes

* Manpage generation is now compatible with the Onion Services
  Ecosystem Portal ([tpo/onion-services/ecosystem#1][]).

* Use the correct copyright line in source files.

* Support for a wider range of [pyca/cryptography][] versions at `setup.cfg`.

* Display Tor bootstrap messages only for the debug log level.

* Disable stem logging if log level is below debug ([tpo/onion-services/onionprobe#63][]).

* Exit codes now reflects reality ([tpo/onion-services/onionprobe#64][]).

* Calculate the elapsed time for descriptors right after fetching.

* Updated the [SecureDrop list][].

* Upgraded Grafana image to 10.4.2.

* Upgraded Alertmanager image to 0.27.0.

* Upgraded Prometheus image to 2.51.2.

* Upgraded PostgreSQL image to 16.
  Please run the [needed upgrading steps](upgrading.md#major-upgrades).

* Upgraded CI and container images to Debian bookworm.

* Upgraded `vendors/onion-mkdocs`.

[tpo/onion-services/ecosystem#1]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/ecosystem/-/issues/1
[pyca/cryptography]: https://cryptography.io
[tpo/onion-services/onionprobe#63]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionprobe/-/issues/63
[tpo/onion-services/onionprobe#64]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionprobe/-/issues/64
[SecureDrop list]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionprobe/-/blob/main/configs/securedrop.yaml

Silvio Rhatto
pronouns he/him
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