[tbb-dev] Tor Browser proposals

Georg Koppen gk at torproject.org
Fri Sep 21 10:40:00 UTC 2018

Hi all!

Some of you asked me about a more formal process to reason about
implementing complex features, possibly with different teams involved.
Or just documenting new and untested ideas more formally, easier
accessible for everyone.

I added a proposals dir[1] for that, borrowing heavily from the Tor
proposal process. 001-process.txt explains what this is all about and
the first two proposals made it already in.

I think that's a good start, but we probably can fine-tune this whole
idea and process to fit more into our workflow and to our needs.

Let me know what you think and which changes we should make.


[1] https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor-browser-spec.git/tree/proposals

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