[tbb-dev] structure TBB more like Firefox?

Mark Smith mcs at pearlcrescent.com
Wed Mar 26 18:09:36 UTC 2014

On 3/24/14, 4:21 PM, Mike Perry wrote:
> I don't think we're going back to .zip anytime soon. However, we do want
> to ensure that the NSIS scripts are robust enough to allow us to
> generate this link without any code (and hope that we never have to
> change the filename it points to).

We will experiment to make sure NSIS can create the shortcut we need.

>> A side note is that we do not need -no-remote if we are willing to
>> change the Tor Browser to look like a different application (compare
>> to Firefox), i.e., register a different window class on Windows, use
>> a different creator code on Mac OS, etc.  But there may be reasons
>> we do not want to be different from Firefox in that way.
> Yeah. I think we want to also rethink remoting. For the short term, we
> can hardcode it to default to disabled, right?

Yes, although Kathy and I are a little worried that doing so may break 
things like opening links from other applications.

> In the longer term, we
> may want to separate the Tor Browser window names so that remoting
> actually works and does not interfere with Firefox (for
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5203).


> We have reorganized the bundles before for 3.x. I am not sure how much
> havoc that caused for support. That would be useful to know.
> I think if we call this new reorganized, self-updating bundle version
> 4.0, users might get the hint that they can't just extract/copy it over
> their old TBB directory (and we could tell them this on the
> blog+FAQ+help docs), but I could be way off in terms of how much that
> will actually matter.

Labeling it "4.0" would probably help a little.

As a next step, Kathy and I will experiment with a reorganized bundle on 
Mac OS.  If that goes well, we will look at Linux and Windows.

Mark Smith
Pearl Crescent

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