[tbb-commits] [Git][tpo/applications/mullvad-browser][mullvad-browser-128.2.0esr-14.0-1] squash! MB 213: Customize the search engines list

Pier Angelo Vendrame (@pierov) git at gitlab.torproject.org
Thu Sep 12 09:34:13 UTC 2024

Pier Angelo Vendrame pushed to branch mullvad-browser-128.2.0esr-14.0-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Mullvad Browser

0fb4c183 by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2024-09-12T10:05:30+02:00
squash! MB 213: Customize the search engines list

MB 328: Refactor the search engine patch.

Upstream switched to a completely different search engine configuration
between ESR 115 and ESR 128.
We moved our configuration to a couple of JSON files that do not follow
upstream's schemas, as they are overcomplicated for our needs.

Also, we keep the old search engine extensions for now, as upstream
also kept them, and planned of removing them with Bug 1885953.

- - - - -

25 changed files:

- + browser/components/search/extensions/brave/favicon.svg
- + browser/components/search/extensions/brave/manifest.json
- + browser/components/search/extensions/ddg-html/favicon.ico
- + browser/components/search/extensions/ddg-html/manifest.json
- browser/components/search/extensions/ddg/manifest.json
- + browser/components/search/extensions/metager/favicon.ico
- + browser/components/search/extensions/metager/manifest.json
- + browser/components/search/extensions/mojeek/favicon.ico
- + browser/components/search/extensions/mojeek/manifest.json
- + browser/components/search/extensions/mullvad-leta/favicon.svg
- + browser/components/search/extensions/mullvad-leta/manifest.json
- + browser/components/search/extensions/startpage/favicon.png
- + browser/components/search/extensions/startpage/manifest.json
- toolkit/components/search/AppProvidedSearchEngine.sys.mjs
- toolkit/components/search/SearchService.sys.mjs
- + toolkit/components/search/content/brave.svg
- + toolkit/components/search/content/duckduckgo.ico
- + toolkit/components/search/content/metager.ico
- + toolkit/components/search/content/mojeek.ico
- + toolkit/components/search/content/mullvad-leta.svg
- + toolkit/components/search/content/mullvadBrowserSearchEngineIcons.json
- + toolkit/components/search/content/mullvadBrowserSearchEngines.json
- + toolkit/components/search/content/startpage.png
- + toolkit/components/search/jar.mn
- toolkit/components/search/moz.build


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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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Binary files /dev/null and b/browser/components/search/extensions/ddg-html/favicon.ico differ

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@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
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Binary files /dev/null and b/browser/components/search/extensions/metager/favicon.ico differ

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Binary files /dev/null and b/browser/components/search/extensions/mojeek/favicon.ico differ

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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
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Binary files /dev/null and b/browser/components/search/extensions/startpage/favicon.png differ

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@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ class IconHandler {
       await this.#getIconList();
+    return this.#iconList.get(engineIdentifier);
+    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unreachable
     let iconRecords = this.#iconList.filter(r =>
       this._identifierMatches(engineIdentifier, r.engineIdentifiers)
@@ -210,12 +212,18 @@ class IconHandler {
   async #getIconList() {
     try {
-      this.#iconList = await this.#iconCollection.get();
+      this.#iconList = new Map(
+        await (
+          await fetch(
+            "chrome://global/content/search/mullvadBrowserSearchEngineIcons.json"
+          )
+        ).json()
+      );
     } catch (ex) {
-      this.#iconList = [];
+      this.#iconList = null;
-    if (!this.#iconList.length) {
+    if (!this.#iconList) {
       console.error("Failed to obtain search engine icon list records");

@@ -2582,113 +2582,11 @@ export class SearchService {
   // This is prefixed with _ rather than # because it is
   // called in test_remove_engine_notification_box.js
   async _fetchEngineSelectorEngines() {
-    const engines = [
-      {
-        aliases: ["duckduckgo", "ddg"],
-        name: "DuckDuckGo",
-        urls: {
-          search: {
-            base: "https://duckduckgo.com/",
-            params: [],
-            searchTermParamName: "q",
-          },
-        },
-        id: "04e99a38-13ee-47d8-8aa4-64482b3dea99",
-        identifier: "ddg",
-        recordType: "engine",
-        variants: [],
-      },
-      {
-        aliases: ["ddg-html", "duckduckgohtml", "ddgh"],
-        name: "DuckDuckGo (HTML)",
-        urls: {
-          search: {
-            base: "https://html.duckduckgo.com/html/",
-            params: [],
-            searchTermParamName: "q",
-          },
-        },
-        id: "98d8c84b-7455-431d-98b9-890e7bcc0041",
-        identifier: "ddg-html",
-        recordType: "engine",
-        variants: [],
-      },
-      {
-        aliases: ["mullvad-leta", "leta", "mullvad", "ml"],
-        name: "Mullvad Leta",
-        urls: {
-          search: {
-            base: "https://leta.mullvad.net/",
-            params: [],
-            searchTermParamName: "q",
-          },
-        },
-        id: "ee88d691-6d7a-4adb-9fec-5a205565505a",
-        identifier: "mullvad-leta",
-        recordType: "engine",
-        variants: [],
-      },
-      {
-        aliases: ["mojeek", "mj"],
-        name: "Mojeek",
-        urls: {
-          search: {
-            base: "https://www.mojeek.com/search",
-            params: [],
-            searchTermParamName: "q",
-          },
-        },
-        id: "10df12ac-2b39-4aa9-8845-d5b35d5bb70c",
-        identifier: "mojeek",
-        recordType: "engine",
-        variants: [],
-      },
-      {
-        aliases: ["brave", "bv"],
-        name: "Brave Search",
-        urls: {
-          search: {
-            base: "https://search.brave.com/search",
-            params: [],
-            searchTermParamName: "q",
-          },
-        },
-        id: "f479314b-030b-49a8-a2fe-7e1c5d1d9071",
-        identifier: "brave",
-        recordType: "engine",
-        variants: [],
-      },
-      {
-        aliases: ["startpage", "sp"],
-        name: "Startpage",
-        urls: {
-          search: {
-            base: "https://www.startpage.com/sp/search",
-            params: [],
-            searchTermParamName: "q",
-          },
-        },
-        id: "049f86fd-28fe-4389-910f-aac28f07d745",
-        identifier: "startpage",
-        recordType: "engine",
-        variants: [],
-      },
-      {
-        aliases: ["metager", "mg"],
-        name: "MetaGer",
-        urls: {
-          search: {
-            base: "https://metager.org/meta/meta.ger3",
-            params: [],
-            searchTermParamName: "eingabe",
-          },
-        },
-        id: "a9d07d93-469c-4bf4-8dd1-fa137f1cc85f",
-        identifier: "metager",
-        recordType: "engine",
-        variants: [],
-      },
-    ];
+    const engines = await (
+      await fetch(
+        "chrome://global/content/search/mullvadBrowserSearchEngines.json"
+      )
+    ).json();
     for (let e of engines) {
       if (!e.webExtension) {

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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Binary files /dev/null and b/toolkit/components/search/content/duckduckgo.ico differ

Binary files /dev/null and b/toolkit/components/search/content/metager.ico differ

Binary files /dev/null and b/toolkit/components/search/content/mojeek.ico differ

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+      }
+    },
+    "id": "049f86fd-28fe-4389-910f-aac28f07d745",
+    "identifier": "startpage",
+    "recordType": "engine",
+    "orderHint": 50,
+    "variants": []
+  },
+  {
+    "aliases": ["metager", "mg"],
+    "name": "MetaGer",
+    "urls": {
+      "search": {
+        "base": "https://metager.org/meta/meta.ger3",
+        "params": [],
+        "searchTermParamName": "eingabe"
+      }
+    },
+    "id": "a9d07d93-469c-4bf4-8dd1-fa137f1cc85f",
+    "identifier": "metager",
+    "recordType": "engine",
+    "orderHint": 40,
+    "variants": []
+  }

Binary files /dev/null and b/toolkit/components/search/content/startpage.png differ

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    content/global/search/    (content/*)

@@ -43,5 +43,7 @@ TESTING_JS_MODULES += [
+JAR_MANIFESTS += ["jar.mn"]
 with Files("**"):
     BUG_COMPONENT = ("Firefox", "Search")

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