[tbb-commits] [Git][tpo/applications/tor-browser][tor-browser-128.4.0esr-14.5-1] 3 commits: fixup! Bug 14631: Improve profile access error messages.

morgan (@morgan) git at gitlab.torproject.org
Tue Oct 29 20:46:36 UTC 2024

morgan pushed to branch tor-browser-128.4.0esr-14.5-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser

1f0bfac8 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-29T20:11:45+00:00
fixup! Bug 14631: Improve profile access error messages.

Bug 42739: Revert patch for "Improve profile access error messages."

- - - - -
8cef0b28 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-29T20:11:45+00:00
fixup! Add TorStrings module for localization

Bug 42739: Drop profile access error strings.

- - - - -
50cede2a by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-29T20:11:45+00:00
Bug 42739: Use the brand name for profile error messages.

Some messages in profileSelection.properties use gAppData->name as
variable inputs. However, gAppData->name is still "Firefox" for our
base-browser builds, rather than the user-facing browser name. We swap
these instances with the displayed brand name instead.

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/mozapps/profile/profileSelection.properties
- toolkit/profile/nsToolkitProfileService.cpp
- toolkit/profile/nsToolkitProfileService.h
- − toolkit/torbutton/chrome/locale/en-US/torbutton.properties
- toolkit/xre/ProfileReset.cpp
- toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp


@@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ restartMessageUnlocker=%S is already running, but is not responding. The old %S
 restartMessageNoUnlockerMac=A copy of %S is already open. Only one copy of %S can be open at a time.
 restartMessageUnlockerMac=A copy of %S is already open. The running copy of %S will quit in order to open this one.
-# LOCALIZATION NOTE (profileProblemTitle, profileReadOnly, profileReadOnlyMac, profileAccessDenied):  Messages displayed when the browser profile cannot be accessed or written to. %S is the application name.
-profileProblemTitle=%S Profile Problem
-profileReadOnly=You cannot run %S from a read-only file system.  Please copy %S to another location before trying to use it.
-profileReadOnlyMac=You cannot run %S from a read-only file system.  Please copy %S to your Desktop or Applications folder before trying to use it.
-profileAccessDenied=%S does not have permission to access the profile. Please adjust your file system permissions and try again.
 # Profile manager
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (profileTooltip): First %S is the profile name, second %S is the path to the profile folder.
 profileTooltip=Profile: ‘%S’ — Path: ‘%S’

@@ -1261,10 +1261,9 @@ nsToolkitProfileService::SelectStartupProfile(
   bool wasDefault;
-  ProfileStatus profileStatus;
   nsresult rv =
       SelectStartupProfile(&argc, argv.get(), aIsResetting, aRootDir, aLocalDir,
-                           aProfile, aDidCreate, &wasDefault, profileStatus);
+                           aProfile, aDidCreate, &wasDefault);
   // Since we were called outside of the normal startup path complete any
   // startup tasks.
@@ -1299,8 +1298,7 @@ static void SaltProfileName(nsACString& aName);
 nsresult nsToolkitProfileService::SelectStartupProfile(
     int* aArgc, char* aArgv[], bool aIsResetting, nsIFile** aRootDir,
     nsIFile** aLocalDir, nsIToolkitProfile** aProfile, bool* aDidCreate,
-    bool* aWasDefaultSelection, ProfileStatus& aProfileStatus) {
-  aProfileStatus = PROFILE_STATUS_OK;
+    bool* aWasDefaultSelection) {
   if (mStartupProfileSelected) {
@@ -1393,13 +1391,6 @@ nsresult nsToolkitProfileService::SelectStartupProfile(
     rv = XRE_GetFileFromPath(arg, getter_AddRefs(lf));
     NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
-    aProfileStatus = CheckProfileWriteAccess(lf);
-    if (PROFILE_STATUS_OK != aProfileStatus) {
-      NS_ADDREF(*aRootDir = lf);
-      NS_ADDREF(*aLocalDir = lf);
-      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-    }
     // Make sure that the profile path exists and it's a directory.
     bool exists;
     rv = lf->Exists(&exists);
@@ -2259,47 +2250,3 @@ nsresult XRE_GetFileFromPath(const char* aPath, nsIFile** aResult) {
 #  error Platform-specific logic needed here.
-// Check for write permission to the profile directory by trying to create a
-// new file (after ensuring that no file with the same name exists).
-ProfileStatus nsToolkitProfileService::CheckProfileWriteAccess(
-    nsIFile* aProfileDir) {
-#if defined(XP_UNIX)
-  constexpr auto writeTestFileName = u".parentwritetest"_ns;
-  constexpr auto writeTestFileName = u"parent.writetest"_ns;
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> writeTestFile;
-  nsresult rv = aProfileDir->Clone(getter_AddRefs(writeTestFile));
-  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = writeTestFile->Append(writeTestFileName);
-  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
-    bool doesExist = false;
-    rv = writeTestFile->Exists(&doesExist);
-    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && doesExist) rv = writeTestFile->Remove(true);
-  }
-  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
-    rv = writeTestFile->Create(nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
-    (void)writeTestFile->Remove(true);
-  }
-  ProfileStatus status =
-  else if (NS_ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY == rv)
-  return status;
-ProfileStatus nsToolkitProfileService::CheckProfileWriteAccess(
-    nsIToolkitProfile* aProfile) {
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> profileDir;
-  nsresult rv = aProfile->GetRootDir(getter_AddRefs(profileDir));
-  return CheckProfileWriteAccess(profileDir);

@@ -17,14 +17,6 @@
 #include "nsProfileLock.h"
 #include "nsINIParser.h"
-enum ProfileStatus {
 class nsToolkitProfile final
     : public nsIToolkitProfile,
       public mozilla::LinkedListElement<RefPtr<nsToolkitProfile>> {
@@ -81,13 +73,10 @@ class nsToolkitProfileService final : public nsIToolkitProfileService {
   nsresult SelectStartupProfile(int* aArgc, char* aArgv[], bool aIsResetting,
                                 nsIFile** aRootDir, nsIFile** aLocalDir,
                                 nsIToolkitProfile** aProfile, bool* aDidCreate,
-                                bool* aWasDefaultSelection,
-                                ProfileStatus& aProfileStatus);
+                                bool* aWasDefaultSelection);
   nsresult CreateResetProfile(nsIToolkitProfile** aNewProfile);
   nsresult ApplyResetProfile(nsIToolkitProfile* aOldProfile);
   void CompleteStartup();
-  static ProfileStatus CheckProfileWriteAccess(nsIToolkitProfile* aProfile);
-  static ProfileStatus CheckProfileWriteAccess(nsIFile* aProfileDir);
   friend class nsToolkitProfile;

toolkit/torbutton/chrome/locale/en-US/torbutton.properties deleted
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2022, The Tor Project, Inc.
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-# Profile/startup error messages.
-# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the application name.
-profileProblemTitle=%S Profile Problem
-profileReadOnly=You cannot run %S from a read-only file system.  Please copy %S to another location before trying to use it.
-profileReadOnlyMac=You cannot run %S from a read-only file system.  Please copy %S to your Desktop or Applications folder before trying to use it.
-profileAccessDenied=%S does not have permission to access the profile. Please adjust your file system permissions and try again.

@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 using namespace mozilla;
-extern const XREAppData* gAppData;
+static const char kBrandProperties[] =
+    "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties";
 static const char kProfileProperties[] =
@@ -49,12 +49,21 @@ nsresult ProfileResetCleanup(nsToolkitProfileService* aService,
   if (!sbs) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+  nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> brandBundle;
+  Unused << sbs->CreateBundle(kBrandProperties, getter_AddRefs(brandBundle));
+  if (!brandBundle) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
   nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> sb;
   Unused << sbs->CreateBundle(kProfileProperties, getter_AddRefs(sb));
   if (!sb) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 appName(gAppData->name);
-  AutoTArray<nsString, 2> params = {appName, appName};
+  nsAutoString appName;
+  rv = brandBundle->GetStringFromName("brandShortName", appName);
+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+  AutoTArray<nsString, 2> params;
+  params.AppendElement(appName);
+  params.AppendElement(appName);
   nsAutoString resetBackupDirectoryName;

@@ -2599,91 +2599,8 @@ nsresult LaunchChild(bool aBlankCommandLine, bool aTryExec) {
-static nsresult GetOverrideStringBundleForLocale(nsIStringBundleService* aSBS,
-                                                 const char* aTorbuttonURI,
-                                                 const char* aLocale,
-                                                 nsIStringBundle** aResult) {
-  NS_ENSURE_ARG(aTorbuttonURI);
-  NS_ENSURE_ARG(aLocale);
-  NS_ENSURE_ARG(aResult);
-  const char* kFormatStr =
-      "jar:%s!/chrome/torbutton/locale/%s/torbutton.properties";
-  nsPrintfCString strBundleURL(kFormatStr, aTorbuttonURI, aLocale);
-  nsresult rv = aSBS->CreateBundle(strBundleURL.get(), aResult);
-  // To ensure that we have a valid string bundle, try to retrieve a string
-  // that we know exists.
-  nsAutoString val;
-  rv = (*aResult)->GetStringFromName("profileProblemTitle", val);
-  if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) *aResult = nullptr;  // No good.  Discard it.
-  return rv;
-static void GetOverrideStringBundle(nsIStringBundleService* aSBS,
-                                    nsIStringBundle** aResult) {
-  if (!aSBS || !aResult) return;
-  *aResult = nullptr;
-  // Build Torbutton file URI string by starting from GREDir.
-  RefPtr<nsXREDirProvider> dirProvider = nsXREDirProvider::GetSingleton();
-  if (!dirProvider) return;
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> greDir = dirProvider->GetGREDir();
-  if (!greDir) return;
-  // Create file URI, extract as string, and append omni.ja relative path.
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
-  nsAutoCString uriString;
-  if (NS_FAILED(NS_NewFileURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), greDir)) ||
-      NS_FAILED(uri->GetSpec(uriString))) {
-    return;
-  }
-  uriString.Append("omni.ja");
-  nsAutoCString userAgentLocale;
-          Preferences::GetCString("intl.locale.requested", userAgentLocale))) {
-    return;
-  }
-  nsresult rv = GetOverrideStringBundleForLocale(
-      aSBS, uriString.get(), userAgentLocale.get(), aResult);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    // Try again using base locale, e.g., "en" vs. "en-US".
-    int16_t offset = userAgentLocale.FindChar('-', 1);
-    if (offset > 0) {
-      nsAutoCString shortLocale(Substring(userAgentLocale, 0, offset));
-      rv = GetOverrideStringBundleForLocale(aSBS, uriString.get(),
-                                            shortLocale.get(), aResult);
-    }
-  }
-static nsresult GetFormattedString(nsIStringBundle* aOverrideBundle,
-                                   nsIStringBundle* aMainBundle,
-                                   const char* aName,
-                                   const nsTArray<nsString>& aParams,
-                                   nsAString& aResult) {
-  NS_ENSURE_ARG(aName);
-  nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  if (aOverrideBundle) {
-    rv = aOverrideBundle->FormatStringFromName(aName, aParams, aResult);
-  }
-  // If string was not found in override bundle, use main (browser) bundle.
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv) && aMainBundle)
-    rv = aMainBundle->FormatStringFromName(aName, aParams, aResult);
-  return rv;
+static const char kBrandProperties[] =
+    "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties";
 static const char kProfileProperties[] =
@@ -2753,12 +2670,20 @@ static nsresult ProfileMissingDialog(nsINativeAppSupport* aNative) {
+    nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> brandBundle;
+    sbs->CreateBundle(kBrandProperties, getter_AddRefs(brandBundle));
     nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> sb;
     sbs->CreateBundle(kProfileProperties, getter_AddRefs(sb));
-    NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 appName(MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME);
-    AutoTArray<nsString, 2> params = {appName, appName};
+    nsAutoString appName;
+    rv = brandBundle->GetStringFromName("brandShortName", appName);
+    AutoTArray<nsString, 2> params;
+    params.AppendElement(appName);
+    params.AppendElement(appName);
     // profileMissing
     nsAutoString missingMessage;
@@ -2782,12 +2707,11 @@ static nsresult ProfileMissingDialog(nsINativeAppSupport* aNative) {
 // If aUnlocker is NULL, it is also OK for the following arguments to be NULL:
 //   aProfileDir, aProfileLocalDir, aResult.
-static ReturnAbortOnError ProfileErrorDialog(nsIFile* aProfileDir,
-                                             nsIFile* aProfileLocalDir,
-                                             ProfileStatus aStatus,
-                                             nsIProfileUnlocker* aUnlocker,
-                                             nsINativeAppSupport* aNative,
-                                             nsIProfileLock** aResult) {
+static ReturnAbortOnError ProfileLockedDialog(nsIFile* aProfileDir,
+                                              nsIFile* aProfileLocalDir,
+                                              nsIProfileUnlocker* aUnlocker,
+                                              nsINativeAppSupport* aNative,
+                                              nsIProfileLock** aResult) {
   nsresult rv;
   if (aProfileDir) {
@@ -2821,43 +2745,37 @@ static ReturnAbortOnError ProfileErrorDialog(nsIFile* aProfileDir,
+    nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> brandBundle;
+    sbs->CreateBundle(kBrandProperties, getter_AddRefs(brandBundle));
     nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> sb;
     sbs->CreateBundle(kProfileProperties, getter_AddRefs(sb));
-    nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> overrideSB;
-    GetOverrideStringBundle(sbs, getter_AddRefs(overrideSB));
+    nsAutoString appName;
+    rv = brandBundle->GetStringFromName("brandShortName", appName);
-    NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 appName(MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME);
-    AutoTArray<nsString, 3> params = {appName, appName, appName};
+    AutoTArray<nsString, 3> params;
+    params.AppendElement(appName);
+    params.AppendElement(appName);
+    params.AppendElement(appName);
     nsAutoString killMessage;
 #ifndef XP_MACOSX
-    static const char kRestartUnlocker[] = "restartMessageUnlocker";
-    static const char kRestartNoUnlocker[] = "restartMessageNoUnlocker2";
-    static const char kReadOnly[] = "profileReadOnly";
+    rv = sb->FormatStringFromName(
+        aUnlocker ? "restartMessageUnlocker" : "restartMessageNoUnlocker2",
+        params, killMessage);
-    static const char kRestartUnlocker[] = "restartMessageUnlockerMac";
-    static const char kRestartNoUnlocker[] = "restartMessageNoUnlockerMac";
-    static const char kReadOnly[] = "profileReadOnlyMac";
-    static const char kAccessDenied[] = "profileAccessDenied";
-    const char* errorKey = aUnlocker ? kRestartUnlocker : kRestartNoUnlocker;
-    if (PROFILE_STATUS_READ_ONLY == aStatus)
-      errorKey = kReadOnly;
-    else if (PROFILE_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == aStatus)
-      errorKey = kAccessDenied;
-    rv = GetFormattedString(overrideSB, sb, errorKey, params, killMessage);
+    rv = sb->FormatStringFromName(
+        aUnlocker ? "restartMessageUnlockerMac" : "restartMessageNoUnlockerMac",
+        params, killMessage);
-    const char* titleKey = ((PROFILE_STATUS_READ_ONLY == aStatus) ||
-                            (PROFILE_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == aStatus))
-                               ? "profileProblemTitle"
-                               : "restartTitle";
     nsAutoString killTitle;
-    rv = sb->FormatStringFromName(titleKey, params, killTitle);
+    rv = sb->FormatStringFromName("restartTitle", params, killTitle);
@@ -3028,24 +2946,6 @@ static ReturnAbortOnError ShowProfileManager(
   return LaunchChild(false, true);
-#ifdef XP_MACOSX
-static ProfileStatus CheckTorBrowserDataWriteAccess() {
-  // Check whether we can write to the directory that will contain
-  // TorBrowser-Data.
-  RefPtr<nsXREDirProvider> singleton = nsXREDirProvider::GetSingleton();
-  if (!singleton) {
-  }
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> tbDataDir;
-  nsresult rv = singleton->GetTorBrowserUserDataDir(getter_AddRefs(tbDataDir));
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> tbDataDirParent;
-  rv = tbDataDir->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(tbDataDirParent));
-  return nsToolkitProfileService::CheckProfileWriteAccess(tbDataDirParent);
 static bool gDoMigration = false;
 static bool gDoProfileReset = false;
 static nsCOMPtr<nsIToolkitProfile> gResetOldProfile;
@@ -3053,13 +2953,6 @@ static nsCOMPtr<nsIToolkitProfile> gResetOldProfile;
 static nsresult LockProfile(nsINativeAppSupport* aNative, nsIFile* aRootDir,
                             nsIFile* aLocalDir, nsIToolkitProfile* aProfile,
                             nsIProfileLock** aResult) {
-  ProfileStatus status =
-      (aProfile ? nsToolkitProfileService::CheckProfileWriteAccess(aProfile)
-                : nsToolkitProfileService::CheckProfileWriteAccess(aRootDir));
-  if (PROFILE_STATUS_OK != status)
-    return ProfileErrorDialog(aRootDir, aLocalDir, status, nullptr, aNative,
-                              aResult);
   // If you close Firefox and very quickly reopen it, the old Firefox may
   // still be closing down. Rather than immediately showing the
   // "Firefox is running but is not responding" message, we spend a few
@@ -3086,8 +2979,7 @@ static nsresult LockProfile(nsINativeAppSupport* aNative, nsIFile* aRootDir,
   } while (TimeStamp::Now() - start <
-  return ProfileErrorDialog(aRootDir, aLocalDir, PROFILE_STATUS_IS_LOCKED,
-                            unlocker, aNative, aResult);
+  return ProfileLockedDialog(aRootDir, aLocalDir, unlocker, aNative, aResult);
 // Pick a profile. We need to end up with a profile root dir, local dir and
@@ -3102,8 +2994,7 @@ static nsresult LockProfile(nsINativeAppSupport* aNative, nsIFile* aRootDir,
 static nsresult SelectProfile(nsToolkitProfileService* aProfileSvc,
                               nsINativeAppSupport* aNative, nsIFile** aRootDir,
                               nsIFile** aLocalDir, nsIToolkitProfile** aProfile,
-                              bool* aWasDefaultSelection,
-                              nsIProfileLock** aResult) {
+                              bool* aWasDefaultSelection) {
   nsresult rv;
@@ -3141,14 +3032,9 @@ static nsresult SelectProfile(nsToolkitProfileService* aProfileSvc,
   // Ask the profile manager to select the profile directories to use.
   bool didCreate = false;
-  ProfileStatus profileStatus = PROFILE_STATUS_OK;
-  rv = aProfileSvc->SelectStartupProfile(
-      &gArgc, gArgv, gDoProfileReset, aRootDir, aLocalDir, aProfile, &didCreate,
-      aWasDefaultSelection, profileStatus);
-  if (PROFILE_STATUS_OK != profileStatus) {
-    return ProfileErrorDialog(*aRootDir, *aLocalDir, profileStatus, nullptr,
-                              aNative, aResult);
-  }
+  rv = aProfileSvc->SelectStartupProfile(&gArgc, gArgv, gDoProfileReset,
+                                         aRootDir, aLocalDir, aProfile,
+                                         &didCreate, aWasDefaultSelection);
     return ShowProfileManager(aProfileSvc, aNative);
@@ -5062,19 +4948,6 @@ int XREMain::XRE_mainStartup(bool* aExitFlag) {
   mProfileSvc = NS_GetToolkitProfileService();
   if (!mProfileSvc) {
-#ifdef XP_MACOSX
-    // NS_NewToolkitProfileService() returns a generic NS_ERROR_FAILURE error
-    // if creation of the TorBrowser-Data directory fails due to access denied
-    // or because of a read-only disk volume. Do an extra check here to detect
-    // these errors so we can display an informative error message.
-    ProfileStatus status = CheckTorBrowserDataWriteAccess();
-    if ((PROFILE_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == status) ||
-        (PROFILE_STATUS_READ_ONLY == status)) {
-      ProfileErrorDialog(nullptr, nullptr, status, nullptr, mNativeApp,
-                         nullptr);
-      return 1;
-    }
     // We failed to choose or create profile - notify user and quit
     return 1;
@@ -5084,7 +4957,7 @@ int XREMain::XRE_mainStartup(bool* aExitFlag) {
   nsCOMPtr<nsIToolkitProfile> profile;
   rv = SelectProfile(mProfileSvc, mNativeApp, getter_AddRefs(mProfD),
                      getter_AddRefs(mProfLD), getter_AddRefs(profile),
-                     &wasDefaultSelection, getter_AddRefs(mProfileLock));
+                     &wasDefaultSelection);
     *aExitFlag = true;
     return 0;

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