[tbb-commits] [Git][tpo/applications/tor-browser-build][main] Bug 40858: Add a script for MacOS to selfsign an unsigned browser (so it can run on ARM Mx macs)

Pier Angelo Vendrame (@pierov) git at gitlab.torproject.org
Mon May 29 08:02:18 UTC 2023

Pier Angelo Vendrame pushed to branch main at The Tor Project / Applications / tor-browser-build

96045df2 by Dan Ballard at 2023-05-29T08:02:10+00:00
Bug 40858: Add a script for MacOS to selfsign an unsigned browser (so it can run on ARM Mx macs)

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- + tools/browser-self-sign-macos.sh


@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+if [ $# -ge 1 ]
+security find-certificate -c $CERTNAME > /dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+  echo ""
+  echo "ERROR: Self Signing Certificate not found, please create:"
+  echo "  1. In the Keychain Access app on your Mac, choose Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Create a Certificate."
+  echo "  2. Enter the name '$CERTNAME' for the certificate"
+  echo "  3. Choose an identity type:  Self Signed Root"
+  echo "  4. Certificate Type > Code Signing"
+  echo "  5. Check 'Let me override defaults' & click Continue."
+  echo "  6. Enter a unique Serial Number. (123 is fine)"
+  echo "  7. Enter a big Validity Period (days), like 3560 & click Continue."
+  echo "  8. Fill in your personal information & click Continue."
+  echo "  9. Accept defaults for the rest of the dialog boxes. (Continue several times)"
+  echo "  10. Certificate Created! Click Done."
+  echo ""
+  echo "For additional help see:"
+  echo "  https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/keychain-access/kyca8916/mac"
+  echo "  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58356844/what-are-the-ways-or-technologies-to-sign-an-executable-application-file-in-mac"
+  echo ""
+  read -n 1 -r -s -p $'Press enter to launch "Keychain Access"...\n'
+  open /System/Applications/Utilities/Keychain\ Access.app
+  exit -1
+echo "Found $CERTNAME, looking for browser to sign..."
+if [ ! -f "$BROWSERPATH/XUL" ]
+  if [ -f "$TESTPATH/XUL" ]
+  then
+  else
+    echo "Error: browser files not detected in $BROWSERPATH!"
+    echo "  This script needs to be run in the 'Contents/MacOS' directory of a SomeBrowser.app directory"
+    exit -1
+  fi
+echo "Mozilla based browser found, signing..."
+echo '  Will be asked for password to certificate for all the things that need to be signed. Click "Always Allow" to automate'
+codesign -s $CERTNAME *.dylib
+codesign -s $CERTNAME plugin-container.app
+if [ -d Tor ]
+  codesign -s $CERTNAME Tor/PluggableTransports/*
+  codesign -s $CERTNAME Tor/libevent-2.1.7.dylib
+  if [ -f Tor/tor.real ]
+  then
+    codesign -s $CERTNAME Tor/tor.real
+  fi
+  if [ -f Tor/tor ]
+  then
+    codesign -s $CERTNAME Tor/tor
+  fi
+codesign -s $CERTNAME XUL
+if [ -d updater.app ]
+  codesign -s $CERTNAME updater.app
+# mullvadbrowser
+if [ -f mullvadbrowser ]
+  codesign -s $CERTNAME mullvadbrowser
+# BB or TB
+if [ -f firefox ]
+  codesign -s $CERTNAME firefox
+echo ""
+echo "Browser signing step done!"
+echo ""
+echo "App still needs one more override to be easily opened with double click in Finder"
+echo "Alternatively you can right click it, select 'Open' and then select 'Open' from the override popup"
+echo "Or to enable it to be double clicked to open perform the following"
+echo ""
+echo "Double click the app and select either 'Ok' or 'Cancel' from the warning popup depending on which you get (Do Not 'Move to Trash')"
+echo 'Go to Preferences -> Security & Privacy and click on padlock to allow changes. '
+echo '  Then in "Allow appications downloaded from" select either:'
+echo '    - App Store and identified developers'
+echo '    - Anywhere'
+echo '  Below that may be a notice about your specific app saying it was blocked because it was not from an identified developer. Click "Open Anyways" and "Open"'

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/-/commit/96045df24df76f319ffa3861891482256d84802b

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/-/commit/96045df24df76f319ffa3861891482256d84802b
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