[tbb-commits] [builders/tor-browser-build] branch master updated: fixup! Bug 40451: Create Release Prep issue template

gitolite role git at cupani.torproject.org
Wed May 11 20:53:33 UTC 2022

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

richard pushed a commit to branch master
in repository builders/tor-browser-build.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new c14ff79  fixup! Bug 40451: Create Release Prep issue template
c14ff79 is described below

commit c14ff7960c36cd2cbd2372712e0705b39a2c090d
Author: Richard Pospesel <richard at torproject.org>
AuthorDate: Thu May 5 20:29:08 2022 +0000

    fixup! Bug 40451: Create Release Prep issue template
    various updates and tweaks, stubs for different android projects
 .gitlab/issue_templates/Release Prep.md | 123 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/Release Prep.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Release Prep.md
index d18251e..bb0e9a1 100644
--- a/.gitlab/issue_templates/Release Prep.md	
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Release Prep.md	
@@ -7,42 +7,56 @@
     - example : `91.6.0`
 - `$(ESR_TAG)` : the Mozilla defined hg (Mercurial) tag associated with `$(ESR_VERSION)`
     - exmaple : `FIREFOX_91_7_0esr_BUILD2`
+- `$(ESR_TAG_PREV)` : the Mozilla defined hg (Mercurial) tag associated with the previous ESR version when rebasing (ie, the ESR version we are rebasing from)
+- `$(RR_VERSION)` : the Mozilla defined 'Rapid Relese' version, used in various places for building geckoview tags, labels, etc
+    - example : `96.0.3`
+- `$(RR_TAG)` : the Mozilla defined hg (Mercurial) tag associated with `$(ESR_VERSION)`
+    - exmaple : `FIREFOX_96_0_3_RELEASE`
+- `$(RR_TAG_PREV)` : the Mozilla defined hg (Mercurial) tag associated with the previous ESR version when rebasing (ie, the ESR version we are rebasing from)
 - `$(TOR_BROWSER_MAJOR)` : the Tor Browser major version
     - example : `11`
 - `$(TOR_BROWSER_MINOR)` : the Tor Browser minor version
-    - example : either `0` or `5`; Alpha's is always (Stable + 5) % 10
+    - example : either `0` or `5`; Alpha's is always `(Stable + 5) % 10`
 - `$(FIREFOX_BUILD_N)` : the firefox build revision within a given `tor-browser` branch; this is separate from the `$(TOR_BROWSER_BUILD_N) ` value
     - example : `build1`
 - `$(TOR_BROWSER_BUILD_N)` : the tor-browser build revision for a given Tor Browser release; used in tagging git commits
     - example : `build2`
-    - *NOTE* : `$(FIREFOX_BUILD_N)` and `$(TOR_BROWSER_BUILD_N)` typically are the same, but it is possible for them to diverge. For example :
+    - **NOTE** : `$(FIREFOX_BUILD_N)` and `$(TOR_BROWSER_BUILD_N)` typically are the same, but it is possible for them to diverge. For example :
         - if we have multiple Tor Browser releases on a given ESR branch the two will become out of sync as the `$(FIREFOX_BUILD_N)` value will increase, while the `$(TOR_BROWSER_BUILD_N)` value may stay at `build1` (but the `$(TOR_BROWSER_VERSION)` will increase)
         - if we have build failures unrelated to `tor-browser`, the `$(TOR_BROWSER_BUILD_N)` value will increase while the `$(FIREFOX_BUILD_N)` will stay the same.
 - `$(TOR_BROWSER_VERSION)` : the published Tor Browser version
     - example : `11.5a6`, `11.0.7`
+- `$(TOR_BROWSER_BRANCH)` : the full name of tor-browser branch
+    - typically of the form: `tor-browser-$(ESR_VERSION)esr-$(TOR_BROWSER_MAJOR).$(TOR-BROWSER_MINOR)-1`
+- `$(TOR_BROWSER_BRANCH_PREV)` : the full name of the previous tor-browser branch (when rebasing)
+- `$(GECKOVIEW_BRANCH)` : the full name of geckoview branch
+    - typically of the form: `tor-browser-$(RR_VERSION)-$(TOR_BROWSER_MAJOR).$(TOR-BROWSER_MINOR)-1`
+- `$(GECKOVIEW_BRANCH_PREV)` : the full name of the previous geckoview branch (when rebasing)
-### **torbutton** ***(Desktop Only, Optional)***
-- [ ] Update translations :
+    <summary>Desktop</summary>
+### **torbutton** ***(Optional)***: https://git.torproject.org/torbutton.git
+- [ ] ***(Optional)*** Update translations :
+  - **NOTE** : mandatory if we have added new string dependencies
   -  [ ] `./import-translations.sh`
-  -  [ ] Commit with message `Translation updates`
+  -  [ ] Commit with message `Translation updates
+     - **NOTE** : only add files which are already being tracked
   -  [ ] *(Optional)* Backport to maintenance branch if present
 - [ ] fixup! `tor-browser`'s `Bug 10760 : Integrate TorButton to TorBrowser core` issue to point to updated `torbutton` commit
-### **tor-launcher** ***(Desktop Only, Optional)***
+### **tor-launcher** ***(Optional)***: https://git.torproject.org/tor-launcher.git
+- [ ] ***(Optional)*** Update translations:
+  - **NOTE** : mandatory if we have added new string dependencies
+  - [ ] ./localization/import-translations.sh
 - [ ] Update `install.rdf` file with new version
 - [ ] Sign/Tag commit :
     - Tag : `$(TOR_LAUNCHER_VERSION)`
     - Message `Tagging $(TOR_LAUNCHER_VERSION)`
 - [ ] Push `master` and tag to origin
-### **geckoview** ***(Android Only)***
-### tba-translation ***(Android Only, Optional)***
-### tor-browser
+### tor-browser: https://git.torproject.org/tor-browser.git
 - [ ] ***(Optional)*** Rebase to `$(ESR_VERSION)`
     - [ ] Find the Firefox hg tag here : https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr91/tags
         - [ ] `$(ESR_TAG)` : `INSERT_TAG_HERE`
@@ -51,24 +65,78 @@ _TODO_
     - [ ] Create new `tor-browser` branch with the discovered `gecko-dev` commit as `HEAD` named `tor-browser-$(ESR_VERSION)esr-$(TOR_BROWSER_MAJOR).$(TOR-BROWSER_MINOR)-1`
     - [ ] Sign/Tag commit :
         - Tag : `$(ESR_TAG)`
-        - Message : `Mercurial $(ESR_TAG) tag`
+        - Message : `Hg tag $(ESR_TAG)`
     - [ ] Push new branch and tag to origin
     - [ ] Rebase `tor-browser` patches
+    - [ ] Perform rangediff to ensure nothing weird happened resolving conflicts
+        - `git range-diff $(ESR_TAG_PREV)..$(TOR_BROWSER_BRANCH_PREV) $(ESR_TAG)..$(TOR_BROWSER_BRANCH)`
     - [ ] Open MR for the rebase
-- [ ] ***(Optional)*** Backport any required patches
+- [ ] _TODO: tag base firefox no-tor browser_
+- [ ] ***(Optional)*** Backport any required patches to Stable
+    - [ ] cherry-pick patches on top of rebased branch (issues to backport should have `Backport` label and be linked to the associated `Release Prep` issue
+    - [ ] Close associated `Backport` issues
+    - [ ] Open MR for the backport commits
 - [ ] Sign/Tag commit :
     - Message : `Tagging $(FIREFOX_BUILD_N) for $(ESR_VERSION)esr-based (alpha|stable)`
 - [ ] Push tag to origin
-### tor-browser-build
+    <summary>Android</summary>
+### **geckoview**: https://git.torproject.org/tor-browser.git
+- [ ] ***(Optional)*** Rebase to `$(RR_VERSION)`
+    - [ ] Find the Firefox hg tag here : https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/tags
+        - [ ] `$(RR_TAG)` : `INSERT_TAG_HERE`
+    - [ ] Identify the hg patch associated with above hg tag, and find the equivalent `gecko-dev` git commit (search by commit message)
+        - [ ] `gecko-dev` commit : `INSERT_COMMIT_HASH_HERE`
+    - [ ] Create new `geckoview` branch with the discovered `gecko-dev` commit as `HEAD` named `geckoview-$(RR_VERSION)-$(TOR_BROWSER_MAJOR).$(TOR-BROWSER_MINOR)-1`
+    - [ ] Sign/Tag commit :
+        - Tag : `$(RR_TAG)`
+        - Message : `Hg tag $(RR_TAG)`
+    - [ ] Push new branch and tag to origin
+    - [ ] Rebase `geckoview` patches
+    - [ ] Perform rangediff to ensure nothing weird happened resolving conflicts
+        - `git range-diff $(RR_TAG_PREV)..$(GECKOVIEW_BRANCH_PREV) $(RR_TAG)..$(GECKOVIEW_BRANCH)`
+    - [ ] Open MR for the rebase
+    - [ ] Merge + Push
+- [ ] ***(Optional)*** Backport any required patches to Stable
+    - [ ] cherry-pick patches on top of rebased branch (issues to backport should have `Backport` label and be linked to the associated `Release Prep` issue
+    - [ ] Close associated `Backport` issues
+    - [ ] Open MR for the backport commits
+    - [ ] Merge + Push
+- [ ] Sign/Tag commit :
+    - Message : `Tagging $(FIREFOX_BUILD_N) for $(RR_VERSION)-based (alpha|stable)`
+- [ ] Push tag to origin
+### **tba-translation** ***(Optional)***: https://git.torproject.org/translation.git
+### **android-components** ***(Optional)***: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/android-components.git
+### **tor-android-service** ***(Optional)***: https://git.torproject.org/tor-android-service.git
+### **fenix** ***(Optional)***: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/fenix.git
+    <summary>Build/Signing/Publishing</summary>
+### tor-browser-build: https://git.torproject.org/builders/tor-browser-build.git
 Tor Browser Alpha (and Nightly) are on the `master` branch, while Stable lives in the various `$(TOR_BROWSER_MAJOR).$(TOR_BROWSER_MINOR)-maint` (and possibly more specific) branches
 - [ ] Update `rbm.conf`
     - [ ] `var/torbrowser_version` : update to next version
     - [ ] `var/torbrowser_build` : update to `$(TOR_BROWSER_BUILD_N)`
     - [ ] `var/torbrowser_incremental_from` : update to previous version
-        - [ ] **IMPORTANT** Really actually make sure this is the previous Desktop/Android version or else the `make incrementals-*` step will fail
+        - [ ] **IMPORTANT**: Really actually make sure this is the previous Desktop/Android version or else the `make incrementals-*` step will fail
 - [ ] Update `projects/firefox/config`
     - [ ] `git_hash` : update the $(FIREFOX_BUILD_N) section to match `tor-browser` tag
     - [ ] ***(Optional)*** `var/firefox_platform_version` : update to latest $(ESR_VERSION) if rebased
@@ -90,14 +158,22 @@ Tor Browser Alpha (and Nightly) are on the `master` branch, while Stable lives i
 - [ ] ***(Android Only)*** Update allowed_addons.json by running (from `tor-browser-build` root)`./tools/fetch_allowed_addons.py > projects/tor-browser/allowed_addons.json
 - [ ] Update `ChangeLog.txt`
 - [ ] Open MR with above changes
+- [ ] Begin build on `tb-build-03`
 - [ ] Sign/Tag commit : `make signtag-(alpha|release)`
 - [ ] Push tag to origin
-### blog
+### notify tor-qa
+- [ ] Email tor-qa at lists.torproject.org
+    - [ ] Provide links to unsigned builds on `tb-build-03`
+    - [ ] Call out any new funcionality which needs testing
+    - [ ] Link to any known issues
+### blog: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/web/blog.git
 - [ ] Duplicate previous Stable or Alpha release blog post as appropriate to new directory under `content/blog/new-release-tor-browser-$(TOR_BROWSER_VERSION)` and update with info on release :
     - [ ] Update Tor Browser version numbers
     - [ ] Note any ESR rebase
+    - [ ] Note any Rapid Release rebase
     - [ ] Link to any Firefox security updates
     - [ ] Note any updates to :
         - [ ] tor
@@ -108,7 +184,7 @@ Tor Browser Alpha (and Nightly) are on the `master` branch, while Stable lives i
 - [ ] Push to origin as new branch, open 'Draft :' MR
 - [ ] Remove draft from MR once signed-packages are uploaded
-### website
+### website: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/web/tpo.git
 - [ ] `databags/versions.ini` : Update the downloads versions
     - `torbrowser-stable/version` : sort of a catch-all for latest stable version
     - `torbrowser-stable/win32` : tor version in the expert bundle
@@ -118,14 +194,9 @@ Tor Browser Alpha (and Nightly) are on the `master` branch, while Stable lives i
 - [ ] Push to origin as new branch, open 'Draft :' MR
 - [ ] Remove draft from MR once signed-packages are uploaded
-### unsigned build uploads
-- [ ] Upload unsigned builds to people.torproject.org
-- [ ] Email tor-qa at lists.torproject.org with links to unsigned builds
 ### signing
+_TODO: boklm's fancy new signing+uploading scripts_
-### signed build uploads
 /label ~"Release Prep"

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