[tbb-commits] [tor-browser-bundle-testsuite/master] Bug 40015: Add config for tb-build-01.tpo nightly builds

gk at torproject.org gk at torproject.org
Thu Feb 25 12:42:47 UTC 2021

commit 3880bda3ef2f40b14632ceb445b5837a6ad643d5
Author: Nicolas Vigier <boklm at torproject.org>
Date:   Fri Jan 15 21:36:55 2021 +0100

    Bug 40015: Add config for tb-build-01.tpo nightly builds
 config/tb-build-01.torproject.org                  |  38 +++++++
 .../tb-build-01.torproject.org.rbm.local.conf      | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 151 insertions(+)

diff --git a/config/tb-build-01.torproject.org b/config/tb-build-01.torproject.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62f8bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/tb-build-01.torproject.org
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# vim: filetype=perl expandtab
+use strict;
+use FindBin;
+use DateTime;
+use TBBTestSuite::TestSuite::TorBrowserBuild;
+my $date = DateTime->now->ymd;
+my $tbb_version = 'tbb-nightly.' . DateTime->now->ymd('.');
+my $name = "tor-browser-$date";
+my $builds_dir_root = '/home/tb-builder/nightly-builds';
+my $reports_dir = "$builds_dir_root/reports";
+if (-d "$reports_dir/r/$name") {
+    print "Doing nothing: $name already done\n";
+    return ( args => [] );
+my $testsuite = TBBTestSuite::TestSuite::TorBrowserBuild->new({
+        tbb_version => $tbb_version,
+        publish_dir => "$builds_dir_root/tor-browser-builds/$tbb_version",
+        publish_url => "https://nightlies.tbb.torproject.org/nightly-builds/tor-browser-builds/$tbb_version",
+        rbm_local_conf => "$FindBin::Bin/rbm-config/tb-build-01.torproject.org.rbm.local.conf",
+        make_clean => 1,
+    });
+my %res = (
+    name => $name,
+    args => [ $testsuite ],
+    tags => [ 'nightly' ],
+    'reports-dir' => $reports_dir,
+    'reports-url' => 'https://nightlies.tbb.torproject.org/nightly-builds/reports/',
+    'email-subject' => '[build result: [% success ? "ok" : "failed" %]] [% options.name %]',
+    'email-report' => 1,
+    'email-to' => [ 'boklm at torproject.org', 'gk at torproject.org', 'sysrqb at torproject.org', ],
+    'email-from' => 'Tor Browser Nightly Builds <tb-builder at tb-build-01.torproject.org>',
diff --git a/rbm-config/tb-build-01.torproject.org.rbm.local.conf b/rbm-config/tb-build-01.torproject.org.rbm.local.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d323d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rbm-config/tb-build-01.torproject.org.rbm.local.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+### This file is used to override options from rbm.conf to adapt them
+### to your local setup.
+### Copy this file as rbm.local.conf to enable it, and uncomment the
+### options you want to modify.
+### The tmp_dir option defines where temporary files are stored. The
+### builds are made from this directory, so using a directory on a fast
+### disk can improve build time. By default we are using a tmp directory
+### under the tor-browser-build directory.
+#tmp_dir: /tmp
+### The debug option defines whether a debugging shell should be opened
+### automatically in the build directory/container in case of build
+### failure. If you are doing automated builds, you might want to disable
+### this.
+#debug: 0
+### The build_log option defines in which file the build logs of each
+### component are stored. If you set it to '-' the logs are output on
+### stdout and stderr.
+#build_log: '-'
+### By default, the logs from previous builds are kept in the log files.
+### If you set build_log_append to 0, then previous logs are cleaned
+### when starting a new build.
+#build_log_append: 0
+  buildconf: 1
+  ### The buildconf/num_procs option can be used to select the number of
+  ### build processes to run simultaneously. You can also use the
+  ### RBM_NUM_PROCS environment variable. The default is 4.
+  num_procs: 8
+  ### The buildconf/git_signtag_opt option is useful when you tag a release.
+  ### It is used to set the 'git tag' argument to select the keyid for
+  ### signing the tag.
+  #git_signtag_opt: '-u keyid'
+  local_conf: 1
+  ### The var/sign_build option defines if you want to sign the
+  ### sha256sums-unsigned-build.txt and
+  ### sha256sums-unsigned-build.incrementals.txt files with gpg.
+  sign_build: 1
+  ### The var/sign_build_gpg_opts option can be used to define some gpg
+  ### options to select the key to use to sign the sha256sums-unsigned-build.txt
+  ### and sha256sums-unsigned-build.incrementals.txt files.
+  #sign_build_gpg_opts: '--local-user XXXXXXXX'
+  ### The clean configuration is used by the cleaning script to find the
+  ### branches and build targets you are using, to compute the list of
+  ### files that should be kept.
+  ###
+  ### If you only do alpha builds for all platforms, you can use the
+  ### following configuration:
+  clean:
+    HEAD:
+      - project: release
+        target:
+          - nightly
+          - torbrowser-all
+  #
+  ### If you are doing 'release' builds in the maint-7.0 branch and
+  ### 'alpha' builds in the master branch, you can use the following
+  ### configuration:
+  #clean:
+  #  master:
+  #    - project: release
+  #      target:
+  #        - alpha
+  #        - torbrowser-all
+  #  maint-7.0:
+  #    - project: release
+  #      target:
+  #        - release
+  #        - torbrowser-all
+  ### testbuild is based on alpha by default. Uncomment this if you want it
+  ### to be based on nightly.
+  #torbrowser-testbuild:
+  #  - testbuild
+  #  - nightly
+  testbuild:
+    var:
+      testbuild: 1
+      ### Uncomment this if you want to create mar files in your test build.
+      #build_mar: 1
+  nightly:
+    ### By default 'fetch' is set to 1 for nightly builds, meaning that new
+    ### commits will be fetched automatically during each build. You can
+    ### disable this during development if you want to do rebuilds to test
+    ### a specific change, but don't want rebuilds caused by unrelated
+    ### changes, or if you want to decide at which point new commits are
+    ### fetched. When 'fetch' is set to 'if_needed', new commits will only
+    ### be fetched if the selected commit (or branch, or tag) is not present,
+    ### which means that existing branches won't be updated. In that case
+    ### you can fetch new commits by running 'make fetch'.
+    fetch: 'if_needed'
+# vim: filetype=yaml sw=2

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