[tbb-commits] [tor-browser-bundle-testsuite/master] Bug 40004: Add test for 'Implement .onion alias urlbar rewrites' TB patch

gk at torproject.org gk at torproject.org
Thu Oct 15 18:41:27 UTC 2020

commit cf696e9f07b8716e8115d59d9651982f3702fa32
Author: Alex Catarineu <acat at torproject.org>
Date:   Mon Jun 29 19:54:14 2020 +0200

    Bug 40004: Add test for 'Implement .onion alias urlbar rewrites' TB patch
 TBBTestSuite/TestSuite/BrowserBundleTests.pm     |  6 +++
 marionette/tor_browser_tests/test_onion_alias.py | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 73 insertions(+)

diff --git a/TBBTestSuite/TestSuite/BrowserBundleTests.pm b/TBBTestSuite/TestSuite/BrowserBundleTests.pm
index 5a642ef..931ab70 100644
--- a/TBBTestSuite/TestSuite/BrowserBundleTests.pm
+++ b/TBBTestSuite/TestSuite/BrowserBundleTests.pm
@@ -488,6 +488,12 @@ our @tests = (
         use_net         => 1,
         descr           => 'Check that Onion-Location header handling works correctly',
+    {
+        name            => 'onion_alias',
+        type            => 'marionette',
+        use_net         => 1,
+        descr           => 'Check that onion alias urlbar rewrites work properly',
+    },
 sub set_test_prefs {
diff --git a/marionette/tor_browser_tests/test_onion_alias.py b/marionette/tor_browser_tests/test_onion_alias.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1495906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marionette/tor_browser_tests/test_onion_alias.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+from marionette_driver import By, Wait
+from marionette_driver.errors import MarionetteException, NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException
+from marionette_driver.legacy_actions import Actions
+from marionette_harness import MarionetteTestCase, WindowManagerMixin
+import time
+class Test(WindowManagerMixin, MarionetteTestCase):
+    def get_urlbar_value(self):
+        with self.marionette.using_context('chrome'):
+            return self.marionette.execute_script("return gURLBar.value;")
+    def test_onion_alias(self):
+        m = self.marionette
+        m.timeout.implicit = 10
+        # Wait until .tor.onion rules have been loaded
+        with m.using_context('chrome'):
+            Wait(m, timeout=m.timeout.page_load).until(
+                lambda _: m.execute_script("return OnionAliasStore._onionMap.size;") > 0)
+        with m.using_context('content'):
+            # Navigating to a known .tor.onion should redirect and rewrite the urlbar with the alias.
+            m.navigate('http://theintercept.securedrop.tor.onion')
+            self.assertEqual(m.get_url(
+            ), 'http://xpxduj55x2j27l2qytu2tcetykyfxbjbafin3x4i3ywddzphkbrd3jyd.onion/')
+            self.assertEqual(self.get_urlbar_value(),
+                             'theintercept.securedrop.tor.onion')
+            # Bookmark should be created with the onion alias URL
+            with m.using_context('chrome'):
+                m.find_element('id', 'star-button-box').click()
+                m.find_element('id', 'editBookmarkPanelDoneButton').click()
+                recent_bookmarks = m.execute_script(
+                    "return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getRecent(1);")
+                self.assertEqual(
+                    recent_bookmarks[0]["url"], "http://theintercept.securedrop.tor.onion/")
+            # Opening a same-origin link should keep the onion alias in the urlbar
+            el = m.find_element('id', 'submit-documents-button')
+            action = Actions(m)
+            action.middle_click(el)
+            action.perform()
+            Wait(m, timeout=m.timeout.page_load).until(
+                lambda _: len(m.window_handles) > 1)
+            m.switch_to_window(m.window_handles[1])
+            Wait(m, timeout=m.timeout.page_load).until(
+                lambda _: m.get_url() != 'about:blank')
+            self.assertEqual(m.get_url(
+            ), 'http://xpxduj55x2j27l2qytu2tcetykyfxbjbafin3x4i3ywddzphkbrd3jyd.onion/generate')
+            self.assertEqual(self.get_urlbar_value(),
+                             'theintercept.securedrop.tor.onion/generate')
+            m.close()
+            m.switch_to_window(m.window_handles[0])
+            # Going directly to .onion should not rewrite the urlbar
+            new_tab = self.open_tab()
+            m.switch_to_window(new_tab)
+            m.navigate(
+                'http://xpxduj55x2j27l2qytu2tcetykyfxbjbafin3x4i3ywddzphkbrd3jyd.onion')
+            self.assertEqual(m.get_url(
+            ), 'http://xpxduj55x2j27l2qytu2tcetykyfxbjbafin3x4i3ywddzphkbrd3jyd.onion/')
+            self.assertEqual(self.get_urlbar_value(
+            ), 'xpxduj55x2j27l2qytu2tcetykyfxbjbafin3x4i3ywddzphkbrd3jyd.onion')
+            m.close()
+            m.switch_to_window(self.start_tab)

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