[tbb-commits] [torbutton/maint-10.0] Translations update

sysrqb at torproject.org sysrqb at torproject.org
Sun Nov 8 18:40:38 UTC 2020

commit 230b6a13008bb7eee0111e3d8b6d68581f500757
Author: Matthew Finkel <sysrqb at torproject.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 8 18:39:38 2020 +0000

    Translations update
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 47 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/chrome/locale/ar/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/ar/aboutTor.dtd
index ba01471e..7ed550de 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ar/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ar/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "لنستخدم قناعًا ،لنستخدم Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "لنواجه جائحة المراقبة.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "سيتم مطابقة تبرعك بواسطة أصدقاء Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/bn-BD/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/bn-BD/aboutTor.dtd
index 35fed0f0..c714fb0f 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/bn-BD/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/bn-BD/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Use a mask, use Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Resist the surveillance pandemic.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ca/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/ca/aboutTor.dtd
index 3d5966fc..a4d1eb60 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ca/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ca/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Useu una màscara, useu Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Resistiu la pandèmia de la vigilància.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/cs/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/cs/aboutTor.dtd
index 43b8f5f9..26465788 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/cs/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/cs/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Noste masku, používejte Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Odolávejte pandemii dozoru.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Friends of Tor váš sponzorský dar zdvojnásobí.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/cs/torbutton.properties b/chrome/locale/cs/torbutton.properties
index dcfc6952..0a8c7af3 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/cs/torbutton.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/cs/torbutton.properties
@@ -73,52 +73,52 @@ onionServices.errorPage.onionSite=Onionsíť
 onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Problém při načítání Onionsítě
 onionServices.descNotFound.header=Onionsíť nebyla nalezena
 onionServices.descNotFound=Nejpravděpodobnější příčina je, že onionsíť je offline. Kontaktuje administrátora onionsítě.
-onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be found on the hashring and therefore the service is not reachable by the client.
+onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Detaily: %S - Požadovaný deskriptor onion služby nebyl nalezen v hashringu, proto není tato služba klientovi dostupná.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF1:
 onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Problém při načítání Onionsítě
 onionServices.descInvalid.header=Onionsíť nemůže být dosažena
 onionServices.descInvalid=Onionsíť je nedostupná kvůli interní chybě.
-onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be parsed or signature validation failed.
+onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Detaily: %S - Požadovaný deskriptor onion služby se nepodařilo naparsovat nebo selhala validace podpisu.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF2:
 onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Problém při načítání Onionsítě
 onionServices.introFailed.header=Onionsíť byla odpojena
 onionServices.introFailed=Nejpravděpodobnější příčina je, že onionsíť je offline. Kontaktuje administrátora onionsítě.
-onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — Introduction failed, which means that the descriptor was found but the service is no longer connected to the introduction point. It is likely that the service has changed its descriptor or that it is not running.
+onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Detaily: %S - Zavedení selhalo, to znamená, že deskriptor byl nalezen, ale služba není nadále připojená k zaváděcímu bodu. Je pravděpodobné, že služba změnila svůj deskriptor nebo neběží.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF3:
 onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Problém při načítání Onionsítě
 onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Připojení k Onionsíti není možné
 onionServices.rendezvousFailed=Onionsíť je zaneprázdněná, nebo je síť Tor přetížená. Zkuste to později.
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — The client failed to rendezvous with the service, which means that the client was unable to finalize the connection.
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Detaily: %S - Klientovi se nepodařilo dokončit spojení se službou.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF4:
 onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Je vyžadováno oprávnění
 onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=Onionsíť vyžaduje autentizaci.
 onionServices.clientAuthMissing=Přístup k onionsíti vyžaduje klíč, ale žádný nebyl poskytnut.
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Details: %S — The client downloaded the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content because client authorization information is missing.
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Detaily: %S - Klient stáhnul požadovaný deskriptor onion služby, ale nepodařilo se dešifrovat jeho obsah, protože chybí informace o jeho autorizaci. 
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF5:
 onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle=Autorizace selhala.
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Onionsite Authentication Failed
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Autentizace Onion stránky selhala
 onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=Poskytnutý klíč je nesprávný, nebo byl zrušen. Kontaktujte administrátora onionsítě.
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Details: %S — The client was able to download the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content using the provided client authorization information. This may mean that access has been revoked.
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Detaily: %S - Klientovi se podařilo stáhnout požadovaný deskriptor onion služby, ale nepodařilo se dešifrovat jeho obsah poskytnutými autorizačními údaji. To může znamenat, že možnost přístupu byla odebrána.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF6:
 onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Problém při načítání Onionsítě
 onionServices.badAddress.header=Neplatná adresa Onionsítě
-onionServices.badAddress=The provided onionsite address is invalid. Please check that you entered it correctly.
-onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Details: %S — The provided .onion address is invalid. This error is returned due to one of the following reasons: the address checksum doesn't match, the ed25519 public key is invalid, or the encoding is invalid.
+onionServices.badAddress=Zadaná adresa onion stránky je neplatná. Prosím zkontrolujte, že je zadaná správně.
+onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Detaily: %S - Poskytnutá .onion adresa není validní. Tato chyba se vyskytuje v následujících situacích: kontrolní součet adresy nesedí, ed25519 veřejný klíč není validní, nebo je nevalidní kódování.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF7:
 onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Problém při načítání Onionsítě
-onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Onionsite Circuit Creation Timed Out
-onionServices.introTimedOut=Failed to connect to the onionsite, possibly due to a poor network connection.
-onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Details: %S — The connection to the requested onion service timed out while trying to build the rendezvous circuit.
+onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Vytvoření okruhu Onion stránky timeoutovalo
+onionServices.introTimedOut=Spojení s onion stránkou se nezdařilo, pravděpodobně kvůli slabému připojení k síti.
+onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Deetaily: %S - Časový limit spojení s onion službou vypršel při budouvání okruhu.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S will be replaced with the .onion address.
-onionServices.authPrompt.description2=%S is requesting that you authenticate.
+onionServices.authPrompt.description2=%S vyžaduje vaše ověření.
 onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=Zadejte svůj soukromý klíč pro tuto službu onion
 onionServices.authPrompt.invalidKey=Zadejte prosím platný klíč (52 znaků base32, nebo 44 znaků base64)
 onionServices.authPrompt.failedToSetKey=Tor s vaším klíčem nelze nastavit
-onionServices.authPreferences.header=Onion Services Authentication
-onionServices.authPreferences.overview=Some onion services require that you identify yourself with a key (a kind of password) before you can access them.
+onionServices.authPreferences.header=Autentizace Onion služeb
+onionServices.authPreferences.overview=Některé onion služby vyžadují, abyste se idenitfikovali klíčem (něco jako heslo), než k nim budete moci přistoupit.
 onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=Uložené klíče...
 onionServices.authPreferences.dialogTitle=Klíče Služby Onion
 onionServices.authPreferences.dialogIntro=Klíče pro následující onion stánky jsou uloženy na vašem počítači
@@ -126,18 +126,18 @@ onionServices.authPreferences.onionSite=Onionsíť
 onionServices.authPreferences.removeAll=Odstranit všechny
-onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Unable to retrieve keys from tor
-onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=Unable to remove key
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Nelze načíst klíče z Toru
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=Klíč nelze odstranit
 # Onion-Location strings.
-onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=Always Prioritize Onions
+onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=Vždy upřednostňovat Onion stránky
 onionLocation.notNow=Nyní ne
-onionLocation.description=There's a more private and secure version of this site available over the Tor network via onion services. Onion services help website publishers and their visitors defeat surveillance and censorship.
+onionLocation.description=Existuje soukromější a bezpečnější verze těchto stránek dostupná přes síť Tor a její onion služby, které pomáhají vlastníkům a uživatelům těchto stránek zabránit sledování a cenzuře. 
 onionLocation.tryThis=Vyzkoušet Onion Služby
-onionLocation.onionAvailable=.onion available
-onionLocation.learnMore=Learn more…
+onionLocation.onionAvailable=.onion dostupný
+onionLocation.learnMore=Zjistěte více...
 onionLocation.askEverytime=Ptát se vždy
 onionLocation.prioritizeOnionsDescription=Upřednostňovat známé .onion stránky.
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index b7113175..5e6a8f6c 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/da/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/da/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Brug en maske, brug Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Modsæt dig den pandemiske overvågning.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/de/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/de/aboutTor.dtd
index 8e82ac2f..0f0ddba0 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/de/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/de/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Nutze eine Maske, nutze Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Wehre dich gegen die Ãœberwachungspandemie.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Ihre Spende wird durch die Freunde von Tor verdoppelt.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/el/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/el/aboutTor.dtd
index 400bb4cc..bf655052 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/el/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/el/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "ΒΑΖΟΥΜΕ ΜΑΣΚΑ, ΒΑΖΟΥΜΕ TOR.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Κόντρα στην πανδημία της παρακολούθησης.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-AR/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/es-AR/aboutTor.dtd
index c86c5eb8..4e96cdcf 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/es-AR/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/es-AR/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Usa un tapaboca, usa Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Resistí a la pandemia de vigilancia.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Tu donación va a ser emparejada por Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-ES/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/es-ES/aboutTor.dtd
index 04c2b2bb..f835df23 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/es-ES/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Usa una mascarilla, usa Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Resiste a la pandemia de vigilancia.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "A tu donación la emparejará Amigos de Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/eu/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/eu/aboutTor.dtd
index 8fba9ac7..f1338472 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/eu/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/eu/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Use a mask, use Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Resist the surveillance pandemic.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fa/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/fa/aboutTor.dtd
index e1e7257b..1932829a 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fa/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/fa/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "از ماسک استفاده کنید، از Tor استفاده کنید.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "در برابر دنیاگیری نظارت مقاومت کنید.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fr/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/fr/aboutTor.dtd
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--- a/chrome/locale/fr/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/fr/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Utilisez un masque, utilisez Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Résistez à la pandémie de surveillance.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Votre don sera égalé par les Amis de Tor.">
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--- a/chrome/locale/ga-IE/aboutTor.dtd
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@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Úsáid masc, úsáid Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Seas an fód in aghaidh phaindéim an fhaireachais.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
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--- a/chrome/locale/he/aboutTor.dtd
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@@ -31,5 +31,6 @@
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.donationBanner.buttonA "תרום עכשיו">
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "שימו מסכה, שימו Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "התנגדו למגפת הריגול.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "שים מסיכה, שים Tor.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "התנגד למגפת המעקב הסמוי.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "התרומה שלך תושווה על ידי חברים של Tor.">
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--- a/chrome/locale/hu/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/hu/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Használjon maszkot, használjon Tor-t.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Álljon ellen a lehallgatási pandémiának.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
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index 27830d1e..bbe8a560 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/id/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/id/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -32,4 +32,5 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Gunakan masker, gunakan Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Resist the surveillance pandemic.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Lawan pandemi pengawasan.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Donasi Anda akan disesuaikan oleh Teman Tor.">
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--- a/chrome/locale/is/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/is/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Fáðu þér grímu - notaðu Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Verðu þig fyrir eftirlitsfaraldrinum.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
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--- a/chrome/locale/it/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/it/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Usa una maschera, usa Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Resisti alla pandemia di sorveglianza.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "La tua donazione sarà riconosciuta da Friends of Tor.">
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index f1293ba7..5b17fca7 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ja/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ja/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "マスクを使い、Tor も使おう。">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "監視パンデミックに対抗しよう。">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
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index 487e33bf..3320ad18 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ka/aboutDialog.dtd
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@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <!ENTITY project.tpoLink         "&vendorShortName;">
 <!ENTITY project.end             ", არამომგებიანი დაწესებულება, რომელიც საქმიანობს ინტერნეტში თქვენი პირადულობისა და თავისუფლების უზრუნველსაყოფად.">
-<!ENTITY help.start              "დახმარება გესაჭიროებათ?">
+<!ENTITY help.start              "დახმარება გსურთ?">
 <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (help.donate): This is a link title that links to https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en -->
 <!ENTITY help.donateLink         "გაიღეთ შემოწირულობა">
 <!ENTITY help.or                 "ან">
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+++ b/chrome/locale/ka/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "გაიკეთეთ ნიღაბი, გამოიყენეთ Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "დაიცავით თავი, მეთვალყურეობის პანდემიისგან.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "თქვენი შემოწირულობა გაორმაგდება Tor-ის მეგობრების მხარდაჭერით.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ka/browserOnboarding.properties b/chrome/locale/ka/browserOnboarding.properties
index 5de57a60..978e8d47 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ka/browserOnboarding.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ka/browserOnboarding.properties
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.description=Tor-ბრაუზერი აცა
 onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.button=იხილეთ Tor-ქსელი
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.title=ისარგებლეთ დამოუკიდებელი, ერთპიროვნული მმართველობისგან დაცული ქსელით.
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.description=Tor-ბრაუზერით უკავშირდებით Tor-ქსელს, რომლის მუშაობასაც უზრუნველყოფს ათასობით მოხალისე, მთელი მსოფლიოს მასშტაბით. განსხვავებით VPN-ისგან, ამ შემთხვევაში არ გიწევთ ცალკეული პირის ან ერთეულის ნდობა და არავისზე ხართ დამოკიდებული, ინტერნეტით ვინაობის გაუმჟღავნებლად სარგებლობისას.
+onboarding.tour-tor-network.title=გამოიყენეთ, ერთპიროვნული მართვისგან დაცული ქსელი.
+onboarding.tour-tor-network.description=Tor-ბრაუზერით უკავშირდებით Tor-ქსელს, რომლის მუშაობასაც უზრუნველყოფს ათასობით მოხალისე, მთელი მსოფლიოს მასშტაბით. განსხვავებით VPN-ისგან, აქ არ გიწევთ ვინმე საერთო მმართველის ან დაწესებულების ნდობა, ინტერნეტით ვინაობის გაუმჟღავნებლად სარგებლობისთვის.
 onboarding.tour-tor-network.description-para2=სიახლე: Tor-ქსელის გამართვა, აგრეთვე, ხიდების მოთხოვნა, Tor-ის შეზღუდვის პირობებში, ახლა უკვე შეგიძლიათ პარამეტრებიდან.
 onboarding.tour-tor-network.action-button=გამართეთ Tor-ქსელის პარამეტრები
 onboarding.tour-tor-network.button=იხილეთ წრედის არე
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ka/torbutton.dtd b/chrome/locale/ka/torbutton.dtd
index 77eb6426..4d1ea917 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ka/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ka/torbutton.dtd
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_standard_label "ჩვეულებრივი">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_standard_description "Tor-ბრაუზერისა და ვებსაიტის ყველა შესაძლებლობა ჩართულია.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_safer_label "მეტად დაცული">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_safer_description "გაითიშება ვებსაიტის საფრთხისშემცველი შესაძლებლობები, სავარაუდოდ საიტების ნაწილი ვერ იმუშავებს გამართულად.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_safer_description "თიშავს ვებსაიტის საფრთხისშემცველ შესაძლებლობებს, საიტების ნაწილი, სავარაუდოდ ვეღარ იმუშავებს გამართულად.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_safer_list_label "მეტად დაცული პარამეტრებისას:">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_safest_label "სრულიად დაცული">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_safest_description "დაშვებულია მხოლოდ ის შესაძლებლობები, რომლებსაც საჭიროებს უცვლელი შიგთავსის მქონე საიტები და ძირითადი მომსახურებები. ცვლილებები შეეხება სურათებს, ფაილებსა და სკრიპტებს.">
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_limit_graphics_and_typography "შრიფტების, ხატულების, მათემატიკური სიმბოლოებისა და სურათების ნაწილი გათიშულია.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_click_to_play_media "ხმოვანი და ვიდეოფაილები (HTML5), აგრეთვე WebGL ეშვება მხოლოდ დაწკაპებით.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_custom_warning "მითითებული">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_overview "გაითიშება შესაძლებლობების ნაწილი, რომლებიც უსაფრთხოებაზე შეტევებისა და პირადი მონაცემების ხელყოფისთვის შეიძლება გამოიყენონ.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_overview "გარკვეული შესაძლებლობების გათიშვა, რომლებიც უსაფრთხოებაზე შეტევებისა და პირადი მონაცემების ხელყოფისთვის შეიძლება გამოიყენონ.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_standard_tooltip "უსაფრთხოების დონე : ჩვეულებრივი">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_safer_tooltip "უსაფრთხოების დონე : დაცული">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.sec_safest_tooltip "უსაფრთხოების დონე : სრულიად დაცული">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ka/torbutton.properties b/chrome/locale/ka/torbutton.properties
index 5714996f..c4c72194 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ka/torbutton.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ka/torbutton.properties
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ profileMigrationFailed=თქვენი არსებული %S პრო
 # "Downloading update" string for the hamburger menu (see #28885).
 # This string is kept here for ease of translation.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the application name.
-updateDownloadingPanelUILabel=ჩამოიტვირთება %S განახლება
+updateDownloadingPanelUILabel=ჩამოიტვირთება %Sს განახლება
 # .Onion Page Info prompt.  Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
 pageInfo_OnionEncryptionWithBitsAndProtocol=კავშირი დაშიფრულია (Onion-მომსახურება, %1$S, %2$S ბიტიანი გასაღებები, %3$S)
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=ვერ ხერხდება
 onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=ვერ ხერხდება გასაღების მოცილება
 # Onion-Location strings.
-onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=ყოველთვის უპირატესობა Onions-ს
+onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=ყოველთვის Onions
 onionLocation.notNow=ახლა არა
 onionLocation.description=არსებობს მეტად პირადი და დაცული ვერსია ამ საიტის Tor-ქსელში, onion-მომსახურების სახით. Onion-მომსახურებები ეხმარება საიტის მფლობელებსა და მნახველებს, თვალის დევნებისა და ცენზურის არიდებაში.
 onionLocation.tryThis=სცადეთ Onion-მომსახურებები
 onionLocation.onionAvailable=.onion ხელმისაწვდომია
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ko/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/ko/aboutTor.dtd
index 392643e3..b58e2468 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ko/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ko/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "마스크를 쓰고, Tor도 쓰세요.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "감시의 대유행에 맞서세요.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ko/browserOnboarding.properties b/chrome/locale/ko/browserOnboarding.properties
index ed818936..403392c7 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ko/browserOnboarding.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ko/browserOnboarding.properties
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.button=Tor 네트워크 항목으로 가봅니다.
 onboarding.tour-tor-network=Tor 네트워크
 onboarding.tour-tor-network.title=탈중앙화된 분산 네트워크로 이동합니다.
 onboarding.tour-tor-network.description=Tor 브라우저는 전세계 수천명의 자원 봉사자에 의해 운영되는 Tor 네트워크와 당신을 연결합니다. VPN과 다르게, 인터넷을 개인적으로 즐기는 당신이 신뢰해야하는 단일된 장애 지점과 중앙화된 요소는 없습니다.
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.description-para2=NEW: Tor Network Settings, including the ability to request bridges where Tor is blocked, can now be found in Preferences.
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.action-button=Adjust Your Tor Network Settings
+onboarding.tour-tor-network.description-para2=새로운 기능: Tor가 차단된 브리지 요청 기능을 포함한 Tor 네트워크 설정은 이제 Preferences(기본 설정)에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
+onboarding.tour-tor-network.action-button=Tor 네트워크 설정을 조정합니다
 onboarding.tour-tor-network.button=경로표시 항목으로 가봅니다.
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ onboarding.tour-tor-update.prefix-new=새로 이음
-onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.title=Goodbye Onion Button.
-onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.description=We want your experience using Tor to be fully integrated within Tor Browser.
-onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.description-para2=That's why now, rather than using the onion button, you can see your Tor Circuit via the [i] in the URL bar and request a New Identity using the toolbar button or the [≡] menu.
-onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.button=How to Request a New Identity
+onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.title=안녕 Onion 버튼.
+onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.description=Tor를 사용한 경험이 Tor Browser에 완벽하게 통합되기를 바랍니다.
+onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.description-para2=그래서 Onion 버튼을 사용하는 대신 URL 바의 [i]를 통해 Tor 회로를 볼 수 있으며 도구 버튼 또는 [≡] 메뉴를 사용하여 새로운 정체성을 요청할 수 있습니다.
+onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.button=새 ID 요청 방법
 onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.next-button=Tor 네트워크 항목으로 가봅니다.
 # Circuit Display onboarding.
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.dtd b/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.dtd
index 8190d4d3..d3446a40 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.dtd
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.context_menu.new_circuit_key "C">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.context_menu.networksettings "Tor 네트워크 설정...">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.context_menu.networksettings.key "N">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.context_menu.downloadUpdate "토르 브라우저 업데이트 체크하기...">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.context_menu.downloadUpdate "Tor 브라우저 업데이트 체크하기...">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.context_menu.downloadUpdate.key "U">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.context_menu.cookieProtections "쿠키 보호...">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.context_menu.cookieProtections.key "C">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.properties b/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.properties
index 51ceec0a..27238f5e 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.properties
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ torbutton.circuit_display.unknown_country = 미확인 국가
 torbutton.circuit_display.guard = Guard
 torbutton.circuit_display.guard_note = 당신의 [Guard] 노드 변경할 수도 있고 변경할 수도 없습니다.
 torbutton.circuit_display.learn_more = 더 알아보기
-torbutton.circuit_display.click_to_copy = Click to Copy
-torbutton.circuit_display.copied = Copied!
+torbutton.circuit_display.click_to_copy = 클릭하여 복사하기
+torbutton.circuit_display.copied = 복사됨!
 torbutton.content_sizer.margin_tooltip = Tor 브라우저는 이 여백을 추가하여 창의 너비와 높이를 일반화 시켜 온라인에서 사용자를 추적하는 기능을 약화 시킵니다.
 torbutton.panel.tooltip.disabled = Tor를 활성화하려면 클릭
 torbutton.panel.tooltip.enabled = Tor를 비활성화하려면 클릭
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ torbutton.popup.external.suggest = 안전하기 위하여 오프라인 일 때
 torbutton.popup.launch = 파일을 다운로드 하기
 torbutton.popup.cancel = 취소
 torbutton.popup.dontask = 지금부터 파일을 자동으로 다운로드
-torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton은 안전하게 새로운 신원을 줄 수 없습니다. 이것은 Tor 컨트롤 포트에 접근할 수 없습니다.\n\nTor Browser Bundle을 사용하고 계십니까?
+torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton은 안전하게 새로운 신원을 줄 수 없습니다. 이것은 Tor 컨트롤 포트에 접근할 수 없습니다.\n\nTor 브라우저 Bundle을 사용하고 계십니까?
 torbutton.security_settings.menu.title = 보안 설정
 torbutton.title.prompt_torbrowser = 중요한 Torbutton 정보
-torbutton.popup.prompt_torbrowser = Torbutton은 지금 다르게 작동합니다. 귀하는 더이상 끌 수 없습니다. 비Tor 브라우징에 사용될 수 있는 브라우져에서 사용하는 것은 위험하기 때문에 이 변화를 만들었습니다. 우리가 어떤 다른 방법으로 고칠 수 없는 수많은 버그도 있습니다.  만약 파이어폭스를 일반적으로 사용하기를 원하신다면 Torbutton을 언인스톨 하시고 Tor Browser Bundle을 다운로드 하십시오. Tor browser의 프라이버시 설정은, 심지어 파이어폭스가 Torbutton과 쓰였더라도, 보통의 파이어폭스의 설정에 우선합니다. Torbutton을 지우시려면,  도구 - 부가 기능 - 확장에 들어가셔셔 Torbutton 옆의 제거 버튼을 누르십시오.
-torbutton.popup.short_torbrowser = 중요한 Torbutton 정보! Torbutton은 이제 항상 활성화됩니다. 더 많은 정보를 위해서는 Torbutton을 누르십시오.
+torbutton.popup.prompt_torbrowser = Torbutton은 지금 다르게 작동합니다. 귀하는 더이상 끌 수 없습니다.\n\n비Tor 브라우징에 사용될 수 있는 브라우저에서 사용하는 것은 위험하기 때문에 이 변화를 만들었습니다.\n\n우리가 어떤 다른 방법으로 고칠 수 없는 수많은 버그도 있습니다.  만약 파이어폭스를 일반적으로 사용하기를 원하신다면 Torbutton을 언인스톨 하시고 Tor Browser Bundle을 다운로드 하십시오. Tor 브라우저의 프라이버시 설정은, 심지어 파이어폭스가 Torbutton과 쓰였더라도, 보통의 파이어폭스의 설정에 우선합니다.\n\nTorbutton을 지우시려면,  도구 - 부가 기능 - 확장에 들어가셔셔 Torbutton 옆의 제거 버튼을 누르십시오.
+torbutton.popup.short_torbrowser = 중요한 Torbutton 정보!\n\nTorbutton은 이제 항상 활성화됩니다.\n\n더 많은 정보를 위해서는 Torbutton을 누르십시오.
 torbutton.popup.confirm_plugins = 플래시와 같은 플러그인들은 당신의 프라이버시와 익명성을 해칠 수 있습니다.\n\n또한 Tor을 우회하여 당신의 현재 위치와 IP주소를 노출시킬 수도 있습니다.\n\n정말로 플러그인을 허용하시겠습니까?\n\n
 torbutton.popup.never_ask_again = 다시는 물어보지 않기
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ canvas.notNow=지금은 하지 않겠습니다
 canvas.allow=다음에 허용함
-canvas.never=이 사이트에는 영원히 않음 (권장)
+canvas.never=이 사이트에서는 하지 않기 (권장)
 # Profile/startup error messages. Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
@@ -59,86 +59,86 @@ updateDownloadingPanelUILabel=업데이트 %S 다운로드 중
 # .Onion Page Info prompt.  Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
 pageInfo_OnionEncryptionWithBitsAndProtocol=연결은 암호화했습니다 (Onion 서비스, %1$S, %2$S 비트 키들, %3$S)
-pageInfo_OnionEncryption=연결은 암호화했습니다 (Onion 서비스)
-pageInfo_OnionName=Onion Name:
+pageInfo_OnionEncryption=연결이 암호화했습니다 (Onion 서비스)
+pageInfo_OnionName=Onion 이름:
 # Onion services strings.  Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
 onionServices.learnMore=더 알아보기
+onionServices.errorPage.onionSite=Onion 사이트
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: In the longDescription strings, %S will be replaced with
 #                    an error code, e.g., 0xF3.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF0:
-onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.descNotFound.header=Onionsite Not Found
-onionServices.descNotFound=The most likely cause is that the onionsite is offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be found on the hashring and therefore the service is not reachable by the client.
+onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Onion 사이트 로딩 문제
+onionServices.descNotFound.header=Onion 사이트를 찾을 수 없음
+onionServices.descNotFound=가장 큰 원인은 Onion 사이트가 오프라인 상태라는 것입니다. Onion 사이트 관리자에게 문의하십시오.
+onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=세부 정보: %S — 요청한 Onion 서비스 설명자를 해시링에서 찾을 수 없으므로 클라이언트가 서비스에 연결할 수 없음.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF1:
-onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.descInvalid.header=Onionsite Cannot Be Reached
-onionServices.descInvalid=The onionsite is unreachable due an internal error.
-onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be parsed or signature validation failed.
+onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Onion 사이트 로딩 문제
+onionServices.descInvalid.header=Onion 사이트에 접근할 수 없음
+onionServices.descInvalid=내부 오류로 인해 Onion 사이트에 연결할 수 없습니다.
+onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=세부 정보: %S — 요청한 Onion 서비스 설명자를 구문 분석할 수 없거나 서명 유효성 검사에 실패했습니다.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF2:
-onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.introFailed.header=Onionsite Has Disconnected
-onionServices.introFailed=The most likely cause is that the onionsite is offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — Introduction failed, which means that the descriptor was found but the service is no longer connected to the introduction point. It is likely that the service has changed its descriptor or that it is not running.
+onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Onion 사이트 로딩 문제
+onionServices.introFailed.header=Onion 사이트가 끊김.
+onionServices.introFailed=가장 큰 원인은 Onion 사이트가 오프라인 상태라는 것입니다. Onion 사이트 관리자에게 문의하십시오.
+onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=세부 정보: %S — 소개가 실패했습니다. 즉, 설명자를 찾았지만 서비스가 더 이상 소개 지점에 연결되지 않습니다. 서비스의 설명자가 변경되었거나 서비스가 실행되고 있지 않을 수 있습니다.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF3:
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Unable to Connect to Onionsite
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed=The onionsite is busy or the Tor network is overloaded. Try again later.
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — The client failed to rendezvous with the service, which means that the client was unable to finalize the connection.
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Onion 사이트 로딩 문제
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Onion 사이트에 연결할 수 없음
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed=Onion 사이트가 사용 중이거나 Tor 네트워크가 과부하된 경우. 나중에 다시 시도하십시오.
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=세부 정보: %S — 클라이언트가 서비스에 접속하지 못했습니다. 즉, 클라이언트가 연결을 완료할 수 없습니다.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF4:
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Authorization Required
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=Onionsite Requires Authentication
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing=Access to the onionsite requires a key but none was provided.
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Details: %S — The client downloaded the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content because client authorization information is missing.
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=인증 필요
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=인증이 필요한 Onion 사이트
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing=Onion 사이트에 접속하려면 열쇠가 필요하지만, 아무것도 제공되지 않았습니다.
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=세부 정보: %S — 클라이언트가 요청된 Onion 서비스 설명자를 다운로드했지만 클라이언트 권한 부여 정보가 없어 내용을 해독할 수 없습니다.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF5:
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle=Authorization Failed
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Onionsite Authentication Failed
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=The provided key is incorrect or has been revoked. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Details: %S — The client was able to download the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content using the provided client authorization information. This may mean that access has been revoked.
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle=인증 실패
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Onion 사이트 인증 실패
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=제공된 키가 잘못되었거나 취소되었습니다. Onion 사이트 관리자에게 문의해주세요.
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=세부 정보: %S — 클라이언트가 요청된 Onion 서비스 설명자를 다운로드할 수 있었지만 제공된 클라이언트 권한 부여 정보를 사용하여 내용을 해독할 수 없습니다. 이는 액세스가 취소되었음을 의미할 수 있습니다.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF6:
-onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.badAddress.header=Invalid Onionsite Address
-onionServices.badAddress=The provided onionsite address is invalid. Please check that you entered it correctly.
-onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Details: %S — The provided .onion address is invalid. This error is returned due to one of the following reasons: the address checksum doesn't match, the ed25519 public key is invalid, or the encoding is invalid.
+onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Onion 사이트 로딩 문제
+onionServices.badAddress.header=잘못된 Onion 사이트 주소
+onionServices.badAddress=제공된 Onion 사이트 주소가 잘못되었습니다. 정확하게 입력했는지 확인하십시오.
+onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=세부 정보: %S — 제공된 .onion 주소가 잘못되었습니다. 이 오류는 주소 체크섬이 일치하지 않거나, eD25519 공용 키가 잘못되었거나, 인코딩이 잘못되었기 때문에 반환됩니다.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF7:
-onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Onionsite Circuit Creation Timed Out
-onionServices.introTimedOut=Failed to connect to the onionsite, possibly due to a poor network connection.
-onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Details: %S — The connection to the requested onion service timed out while trying to build the rendezvous circuit.
+onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Onion 사이트 로딩 문제
+onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Onion 사이트 회로 생성 시간 초과
+onionServices.introTimedOut=네트워크 연결 불량으로 인해 Onion 사이트에 연결하지 못했습니다.
+onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=세부 정보: %S — 접속 회로를 구성하는 동안 요청된 Onion 서비스에 대한 연결 시간이 초과되었습니다.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S will be replaced with the .onion address.
-onionServices.authPrompt.description2=%S is requesting that you authenticate.
-onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=이 onion 서비스를 사용하기 위해 개인키를 입력하세요.
+onionServices.authPrompt.description2=%S에서 인증을 요청하는 중입니다.
+onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=이 Onion 서비스를 사용하기 위해 개인키를 입력하세요.
 onionServices.authPrompt.invalidKey=유효한 키를 입력해주세요. (base32 의 52개 문자나 base64의 44개 문자)
 onionServices.authPrompt.failedToSetKey=이 키로는 Tor 설정을 할 수 없습니다.
-onionServices.authPreferences.header=Onion Services Authentication
-onionServices.authPreferences.overview=Some onion services require that you identify yourself with a key (a kind of password) before you can access them.
-onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=Saved Keys…
-onionServices.authPreferences.dialogTitle=Onion Service Keys
-onionServices.authPreferences.dialogIntro=Keys for the following onionsites are stored on your computer
+onionServices.authPreferences.header=Onion 서비스 인증
+onionServices.authPreferences.overview=일부 Onion 서비스에서는 키(암호)로 자신을 식별해야 액세스할 수 있습니다.
+onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=저장된 키…
+onionServices.authPreferences.dialogTitle=Onion 서비스 키
+onionServices.authPreferences.dialogIntro=다음 Onion 사이트의 키가 컴퓨터에 저장되어 있는 경우
+onionServices.authPreferences.onionSite=Onion 사이트
-onionServices.authPreferences.removeAll=Remove All
-onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Unable to retrieve keys from tor
-onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=Unable to remove key
+onionServices.authPreferences.removeAll=모두 제거하기
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Tor에서 키를 검색할 수 없음
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=키를 제거할 수 없음
 # Onion-Location strings.
-onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=Always Prioritize Onions
+onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=항상 Onion 우선 순위 지정
 onionLocation.notNow=지금은 하지 않겠습니다
-onionLocation.description=There's a more private and secure version of this site available over the Tor network via onion services. Onion services help website publishers and their visitors defeat surveillance and censorship.
-onionLocation.tryThis=Try Onion Services
-onionLocation.onionAvailable=.onion available
-onionLocation.learnMore=Learn more…
-onionLocation.askEverytime=Ask every time
-onionLocation.prioritizeOnionsDescription=Prioritize .onion sites when known.
+onionLocation.description=이 사이트는 Onion 서비스를 통해 Tor 네트워크를 통해 보다 개인적이고 안전한 버전을 이용할 수 있습니다. Onion 서비스는 웹사이트 출판사와 방문자들이 감시와 검열을 물리치도록 도와줍니다.
+onionLocation.tryThis=Onion 서비스 시도하기
+onionLocation.onionAvailable=.onion 사용 가능
+onionLocation.learnMore=자세한 내용...
+onionLocation.askEverytime=항상 묻기
+onionLocation.prioritizeOnionsDescription=알려진 경우 .onion 사이트의 우선 순위를 지정합니다.
 onionLocation.onionServicesTitle=Onion 서비스
diff --git a/chrome/locale/lt/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/lt/aboutTor.dtd
index 66e29b42..fac86b99 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/lt/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/lt/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "DÄ—vÄ—kite kaukÄ™, naudokite Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Pasipriešinkite sekimo pandemijai.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "„Friends of Tor“ paaukos tiek pat, kiek ir jūs.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/lt/torbutton.properties b/chrome/locale/lt/torbutton.properties
index 4d012386..23fa7d4a 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/lt/torbutton.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/lt/torbutton.properties
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ updateDownloadingPanelUILabel=Atsisiunčiamas %S atnaujinimas
 # .Onion Page Info prompt.  Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
 pageInfo_OnionEncryptionWithBitsAndProtocol=Šifruotas ryšys (Onion paslauga, %1$S, %2$S bitų raktai, %3$S)
 pageInfo_OnionEncryption=Šifruotas ryšys (Onion paslauga)
-pageInfo_OnionName=Onion Name:
+pageInfo_OnionName=Onion pavadinimas:
 # Onion services strings.  Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
 onionServices.learnMore=Sužinoti daugiau
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ onionServices.introTimedOut=Nepavyko prisijungti prie onion svetainės, galbūt
 onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Details: %S — The connection to the requested onion service timed out while trying to build the rendezvous circuit.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S will be replaced with the .onion address.
-onionServices.authPrompt.description2=%S is requesting that you authenticate.
+onionServices.authPrompt.description2=%S prašo, kad nustatytumėte savo tapatybę.
 onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=Įveskite savo privatųjį, šiai onion paslaugai skirtą, raktą
diff --git a/chrome/locale/mk/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/mk/aboutTor.dtd
index 0ff2075f..6741881f 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/mk/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/mk/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Користи маска, користи Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Спротивстави се на надзорот за време на пандемијата.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ms/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/ms/aboutTor.dtd
index 28fd2aaf..eb3e1292 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ms/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ms/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Guna pelitup muka, guna juga Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Tangani pandemik pengawasan.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/aboutTor.dtd
index 7ba3b842..ae8bba0f 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Use a mask, use Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Resist the surveillance pandemic.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/torbutton.properties b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/torbutton.properties
index 1a1cf7eb..990db742 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nb-NO/torbutton.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/nb-NO/torbutton.properties
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Unable to Connect to Onionsite
 onionServices.rendezvousFailed=The onionsite is busy or the Tor network is overloaded. Try again later.
 onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — The client failed to rendezvous with the service, which means that the client was unable to finalize the connection.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF4:
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Authorization Required
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Autorisasjon kreves
 onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=Onionsite Requires Authentication
 onionServices.clientAuthMissing=Access to the onionsite requires a key but none was provided.
 onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Details: %S — The client downloaded the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content because client authorization information is missing.
@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ onionServices.authPrompt.invalidKey=Please enter a valid key (52 base32 characte
 onionServices.authPrompt.failedToSetKey=Kan ikke konfigurere Tor med nøkkelen din
 onionServices.authPreferences.header=Onion Services Authentication
 onionServices.authPreferences.overview=Some onion services require that you identify yourself with a key (a kind of password) before you can access them.
-onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=Saved Keys…
+onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=Lagrede Nøkler...
 onionServices.authPreferences.dialogTitle=Onion Service Keys
 onionServices.authPreferences.dialogIntro=Keys for the following onionsites are stored on your computer
-onionServices.authPreferences.removeAll=Remove All
-onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Unable to retrieve keys from tor
-onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=Unable to remove key
+onionServices.authPreferences.removeAll=Fjern Alle
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Kan ikke hente nøklene fra tor
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=75%match\nKunne ikke fjerne nøkkel
 # Onion-Location strings.
 onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=Always Prioritize Onions
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ onionLocation.notNowAccessKey=n
 onionLocation.description=There's a more private and secure version of this site available over the Tor network via onion services. Onion services help website publishers and their visitors defeat surveillance and censorship.
 onionLocation.tryThis=Try Onion Services
 onionLocation.onionAvailable=.onion available
-onionLocation.learnMore=Learn more…
-onionLocation.askEverytime=Ask every time
-onionLocation.prioritizeOnionsDescription=Prioritize .onion sites when known.
+onionLocation.learnMore=Lær mer...
+onionLocation.askEverytime=Spør hver gang
+onionLocation.prioritizeOnionsDescription=Prioriter. .onion sider når kjent
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nl/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/nl/aboutTor.dtd
index 252902a9..207daa8b 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nl/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/nl/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Gebruik een masker, gebruik Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Wees bestand tegen de surveillancepandemie.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pl/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/pl/aboutTor.dtd
index da82b8b6..128b53c5 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pl/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/pl/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Użyj maski, użyj Tora.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Przeciwstaw siÄ™ pandemii nadzoru.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/aboutTor.dtd
index 1ba8a0bb..cf2705f6 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -34,3 +34,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Use uma mascara, use Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Resista à pandemia de vigilância.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Sua doação será correspondida por Amigos do Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ro/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/ro/aboutTor.dtd
index b3149592..d1d11f46 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ro/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ro/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Folosește o mască, folosește Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Rezistă pandemiei de supraveghere.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ru/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/ru/aboutTor.dtd
index 4986b82e..aa915a14 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ru/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ru/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Используйте Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Не поддавайтесь пандемии слежки.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/aboutTor.dtd
index f2921c11..9af4bc75 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sv-SE/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/sv-SE/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Använd en mask, använd Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Stå emot övervakningspandemin.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Din donation matchas av Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/th/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/th/aboutTor.dtd
index 0946f46d..bf40fdf2 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/th/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/th/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "ใช้หน้ากาก ใช้ Tor">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "ต้านเชื้อสอดแนมระบาด">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/th/browserOnboarding.properties b/chrome/locale/th/browserOnboarding.properties
index d216d3cf..ef2158e1 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/th/browserOnboarding.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/th/browserOnboarding.properties
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ onboarding.tour-tor-update.prefix-updated=อัพเดต
 onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.title=ลาก่อน Onion Button
-onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.description=We want your experience using Tor to be fully integrated within Tor Browser.
+onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.description=เราอยากให้ประสบการณ์ของคุณในการใช้ Tor ผสมผสานเข้ากับ Tor Browser ได้อย่างสมบูรณ์
 onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.description-para2=That's why now, rather than using the onion button, you can see your Tor Circuit via the [i] in the URL bar and request a New Identity using the toolbar button or the [≡] menu.
 onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.button=How to Request a New Identity
 onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.next-button=ไปที่เครือข่าย Tor
diff --git a/chrome/locale/tr/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/tr/aboutTor.dtd
index cb28a8c1..15af6a32 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/tr/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/tr/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Maske kullanın, Tor kullanın.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "İzleme salgınından korunun.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Friends of Tor bağışınız kadar katkıda bulunacak.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/vi/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/vi/aboutTor.dtd
index 30607b19..d0afcced 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/vi/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/vi/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "Hãy dùng khẩu trang, hãy dùng Tor.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "Cùng nhau chống đại dịch giám sát.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/aboutTor.dtd
index 329f2995..4cff06fd 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/zh-CN/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/zh-CN/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "口罩防病毒,Tor防监控。">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "抗击“监控”全球流行病。">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/aboutTor.dtd b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/aboutTor.dtd
index 2b7abb5e..f2cdfe39 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
 <!-- End of year 2020 Fundraising campaign -->
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.useamask "口罩維持身體健康,Tor 保護網路安全。">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.resistsurveillance "抵制全面監控。">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.ey2020.donationmatch "Your donation will be matched by Friends of Tor.">

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