[tbb-commits] [torbutton/master] Bug 21267: Remove 14429 implementation for now

gk at torproject.org gk at torproject.org
Tue Apr 4 08:59:53 UTC 2017

commit 9b5a66ce7821c0cb7f6fd2fb24e7e15e81a27c51
Author: Arthur Edelstein <arthuredelstein at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Mar 11 16:05:00 2017 -0800

    Bug 21267: Remove 14429 implementation for now
 src/chrome/content/content-sizer.js     | 514 --------------------------------
 src/chrome/content/torbutton.js         |   2 -
 src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js |   1 -
 3 files changed, 517 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/chrome/content/content-sizer.js b/src/chrome/content/content-sizer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bd657b8..0000000
--- a/src/chrome/content/content-sizer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
-// The purpose of this file is to ensure that window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight
-// always return rounded values.
-// This file is formatted for docco.js. Later functions call earlier ones.
-* Decide on quantization amount. 100x100? 200x100? Maybe gradually increase, like 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, 600, 800, etc.?
-* Understand gBrowser.contentWindow.document.body.getBoundingClientRect(). Does this leak some fingerprintable information?
-* Modify Tor Browser C++ code to allow precise setting of zoom? (Would allow more precise fit of content height in window.)
-/* jshint esnext: true */
-// __quantizeBrowserSize(window, xStep, yStep)__.
-// Ensures that gBrowser width and height are multiples of
-// xStep and yStep.
-let quantizeBrowserSize = function (window, xStep, yStep) {
-"use strict";
-// __currentDefaultZoom__.
-// The settings of gBrowser.fullZoom used to quantize the content window dimensions,
-// except if the user has pressed zoom+ or zoom-. Stateful.
-let currentDefaultZoom = 1;
-// ## Utilities
-// Mozilla abbreviations.
-let {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, Constructor: CC, utils: Cu } = Components;
-// Use Task.jsm to avoid callback hell.
-// Make the TorButton logger available.
-let logger = Cc["@torproject.org/torbutton-logger;1"]
-               .getService(Ci.nsISupports).wrappedJSObject;
-// __torbuttonBundle__.
-// Bundle of localized strings for torbutton UI.
-let torbuttonBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
-                        "chrome://torbutton/locale/torbutton.properties");
-// Import utility functions
-let { bindPrefAndInit, getEnv, observe } =
-    Cu.import("resource://torbutton/modules/utils.js", {});
-// __windowUtils(window)__.
-// See nsIDOMWindowUtils on MDN.
-let windowUtils = window => window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
-                                  .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
-// __isNumber(value)__.
-// Returns true iff the value is a number.
-let isNumber = x => typeof x === "number";
-// __sortBy(array, scoreFn)__.
-// Returns a copy of the array, sorted from least to best
-// according to scoreFn.
-let sortBy = function (array, scoreFn) {
-  let compareFn = (a, b) => scoreFn(a) - scoreFn(b);
-  return array.slice().sort(compareFn);
-// __isMac__.
-// Constant, set to true if we are using a Mac (Darwin).
-let isMac = Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin";
-// __isWindows__.
-// Constant, set to true if we are using Windows.
-let isWindows = Services.appinfo.OS === "WINNT";
-// __isTilingWindowManager__.
-// Constant, set to true if we are using a (known) tiling window
-// manager in linux.
-let isTilingWindowManager = (function () {
-  if (isMac || isWindows) return false;
-  let gdmSession = getEnv("GDMSESSION");
-  if (!gdmSession) return false;
-  let gdmSessionLower = gdmSession.toLowerCase();
-  return ["9wm", "alopex", "awesome", "bspwm", "catwm", "dswm", "dwm",
-          "echinus", "euclid-wm", "frankenwm", "herbstluftwm", "i3",
-          "i3wm", "ion", "larswm", "monsterwm", "musca", "notion",
-          "qtile", "ratpoison", "snapwm", "spectrwm", "stumpwm",
-          "subtle", "tinywm", "ttwm", "wingo", "wmfs", "wmii", "xmonad"]
-            .filter(x => x.startsWith(gdmSessionLower)).length > 0;
-// __largestMultipleLessThan(factor, max)__.
-// Returns the largest number that is a multiple of factor
-// and is less or equal to max.
-let largestMultipleLessThan = function (factor, max) {
-  return Math.max(1, Math.floor(max / factor, 1)) * factor;
-// ## Task.jsm helper functions
-// __sleep(timeMs)__.
-// Returns a Promise that sleeps for the specified time interval,
-// and returns an Event object of type "wake".
-let sleep = function (timeMs) {
-  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
-    window.setTimeout(function () {
-      resolve(new Event("wake"));
-    }, timeMs);
-  });
-// __listen(target, eventType, useCapture, timeoutMs)__.
-// Listens for a single event of eventType on target.
-// Returns a Promise that resolves to an Event object, if the event fires.
-// If a timeout occurs, then Promise is rejected with a "Timed out" error.
-let listen = function (target, eventType, useCapture, timeoutMs) {
-  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
-    let listenFunction = function (event) {
-      target.removeEventListener(eventType, listenFunction, useCapture);
-      resolve(event);
-    };
-    target.addEventListener(eventType, listenFunction, useCapture);
-    if (timeoutMs !== undefined && timeoutMs !== null) {
-      window.setTimeout(function () {
-        target.removeEventListener(eventType, listenFunction, useCapture);
-        resolve(new Event("timeout"));
-      }, timeoutMs);
-    }
-  });
-// __listenForTrueResize(window, timeoutMs)__.
-// Task.jsm function. Call `yield listenForTrueResize(window)` to
-// wait until the window changes its outer dimensions. Ignores
-// resize events where window dimensions are unchanged. Returns
-// the resize event object.
-let listenForTrueResize = function* (window, timeoutMs) {
-  let [originalWidth, originalHeight] = [window.outerWidth, window.outerHeight],
-      event,
-      finishTime = timeoutMs ? Date.now() + timeoutMs : null;
-  do {
-    event = yield listen(window, "resize", true,
-			 finishTime ? finishTime - Date.now() : undefined);
-  } while (event.type === "resize" &&
-	         originalWidth === window.outerWidth &&
-           originalHeight === window.outerHeight);
-  return event;
-// ## Window state queries
-// __trueZoom(window)__.
-// Returns the true magnification of the content in the window
-// object. (In contrast, the `gBrowser.fullZoom` value is only approximated
-// by the display zoom.)
-let trueZoom = window => windowUtils(window).screenPixelsPerCSSPixel;
-// __systemZoom__.
-// On Windows, if the user sets the DPI to be 125% or 150% (instead of 100%),
-// then we get an overall zoom that needs to be accounted for.
-let systemZoom = trueZoom(window);
-// __canBeResized(window)__.
-// Returns true iff the window is in a state that can
-// be resized. Namely, not fullscreen, not maximized,
-// and not running in a tiling window manager.
-let canBeResized = function (window) {
-  // Note that window.fullScreen and (window.windowState === window.STATE_FULLSCREEN)
-  // sometimes disagree, so we only allow resizing when both are false.
-  return !isTilingWindowManager &&
-         !window.fullScreen &&
-         window.windowState === window.STATE_NORMAL;
-// __isDocked(window)__.
-// On Windows and some linux desktops, you can "dock" a window
-// at the right or left, so that it is maximized only in height.
-// Returns true in this case. (Note we use mozInnerScreenY instead
-// of screenY to take into account title bar space sometimes left
-// out of outerHeight in certain desktop environments.)
-let isDocked = window => ((window.mozInnerScreenY + window.outerHeight) >=
-                          (window.screen.availTop + window.screen.availHeight) &&
-                         (window.screenY <= window.screen.availTop));
-// ## Window appearance
-// __marginToolTip__.
-// A constant. The tooltip string shown in the margin.
-let marginToolTip = torbuttonBundle.GetStringFromName("torbutton.content_sizer.margin_tooltip");
-// __updateContainerAppearance(container, on)__.
-// Get the color and position of margins correct.
-let updateContainerAppearance = function (container, on) {
-  // Align the browser at top left, so any gray margin will be visible
-  // at right and bottom. Except in fullscreen, where we have black
-  // margins and gBrowser in top center, and when using a tiling
-  // window manager, when we have gray margins and gBrowser in top
-  // center.
-  container.align = on ?
-                       (canBeResized(window) ? "start" : "center")
-                       : "";
-  container.pack = on ? "start" : "";
-  container.tooltipText = on ? marginToolTip : "";
-// __updateBackground(window)__.
-// Sets the margin background to black or dim gray, depending on
-// whether the window is full screen.
-let updateBackground = function (window) {
-  window.gBrowser.parentElement.style
-        .backgroundColor = window.fullScreen ? "Black" : "LightGray";
-// ## Window Zooming
-// __computeTargetZoom(parentWidth, parentHeight, xStep, yStep, fillHeight)__.
-// Given a parent width and height for gBrowser's container, returns the
-// desired zoom for the content window.
-let computeTargetZoom = function (parentWidth, parentHeight, xStep, yStep, fillHeight) {
-  if (fillHeight) {
-    // Return the estimated zoom need to fill the height of the browser.
-    let h = largestMultipleLessThan(yStep, parentHeight);
-    return parentHeight / h;
-  } else {
-    // Here we attempt to find a zoom with the best fit for the window size that will
-    // provide a content window with appropriately quantized dimensions.
-    let w = largestMultipleLessThan(xStep, parentWidth),
-        h = largestMultipleLessThan(yStep, parentHeight),
-        parentAspectRatio = parentWidth / parentHeight,
-        possibilities = [[w, h],
-                         [Math.min(w, w - xStep), h],
-                         [w, Math.min(h - yStep)]],
-        // Find the [w, h] pair with the closest aspect ratio to the parent window.
-        score = ([w, h]) => Math.abs(Math.log(w / h / parentAspectRatio)),
-        [W, H] = sortBy(possibilities, score)[0];
-    // Return the estimated zoom.
-    return Math.min(parentHeight / H, parentWidth / W);
-  }
-// __updateDimensions(window, xStep, yStep)__.
-// Changes the width and height of the gBrowser XUL element to be a multiple of x/yStep.
-let updateDimensions = function (window, xStep, yStep) {
-  // Don't run if window is minimized.
-  if (window.windowState === window.STATE_MINIMIZED) return;
-  let gBrowser = window.gBrowser,
-      container = gBrowser.parentElement;
-  updateContainerAppearance(container, true);
-  let parentWidth = container.clientWidth,
-      parentHeight = container.clientHeight,
-      longPage = !gBrowser.contentWindow.fullScreen,
-      targetZoom = (canBeResized(window) && !isDocked(window)) ?
-                     1 : computeTargetZoom(parentWidth,
-                                           parentHeight, xStep, yStep, longPage),
-      zoomOffset = 1;
-  for (let i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-    // We set `gBrowser.fullZoom` to 99% of the needed zoom, unless
-    // it's `1`. That's because the "true zoom" is sometimes larger
-    // than fullZoom, and we need to ensure the gBrowser width and
-    // height do not exceed the container size.
-    gBrowser.fullZoom = (targetZoom === 1 ? 1 : 0.99) * targetZoom * zoomOffset;
-    currentDefaultZoom = gBrowser.fullZoom;
-    let zoom = trueZoom(gBrowser.contentWindow) / systemZoom,
-    targetContentWidth = largestMultipleLessThan(xStep, parentWidth / zoom),
-    targetContentHeight = largestMultipleLessThan(yStep, parentHeight / zoom),
-    targetBrowserWidth = Math.round(targetContentWidth * zoom),
-    targetBrowserHeight = Math.round(targetContentHeight * zoom);
-    // Because gBrowser is inside a vbox, width and height behave differently. It turns
-    // out we need to set `gBrowser.width` and `gBrowser.maxHeight`.
-    gBrowser.width = targetBrowserWidth;
-    gBrowser.maxHeight = targetBrowserHeight;
-    // When using Windows DPI != 100%, we can get rounding errors. We'll need
-    // to try again if we failed to get rounded content width x height.
-    // Unfortunately, this is not detectable if search bar or dev console is open.
-    if ((// Some weird sidebar is open, or
-         gBrowser.clientWidth !== gBrowser.selectedBrowser.clientWidth ||
-         // content width is correct.
-         gBrowser.contentWindow.innerWidth === targetContentWidth) &&
-        (// Search bar or dev console is open, or
-         gBrowser.clientHeight !== gBrowser.selectedBrowser.clientHeight ||
-         // content height is correct.
-         gBrowser.contentWindow.innerHeight === targetContentHeight)) {
-      logger.eclog(3,
-		   " chromeWin " + window.outerWidth + "x" +  window.outerHeight +
-		   " container " + parentWidth + "x" + parentHeight +
-		   " gBrowser.fullZoom " + gBrowser.fullZoom + "X" +
-		   " targetContent " + targetContentWidth + "x" + targetContentHeight +
-		   " zoom " + zoom + "X" +
-		   " targetBrowser " + targetBrowserWidth + "x" + targetBrowserHeight +
-		   " gBrowser " + gBrowser.clientWidth + "x" + gBrowser.clientHeight +
-		   " content " + gBrowser.contentWindow.innerWidth + "x" +  gBrowser.contentWindow.innerHeight);
-	     break;
-     }
-    zoomOffset *= 1.02;
-  }
-// __resetZoomOnDomainChanges(gBrowser, on)__.
-// If `on` is true, then every time a tab location changes
-// to a new domain, the tab's zoom level is set back to the
-// "default zoom" level.
-let resetZoomOnDomainChanges = (function () {
-  let tabToDomainMap = new Map(),
-      onLocationChange = function (browser) {
-        let lastHost = tabToDomainMap.get(browser),
-            currentHost = browser &&
-                          browser.currentURI &&
-                          browser.currentURI.asciiHost;
-        if (lastHost !== currentHost) {
-          browser.fullZoom = currentDefaultZoom;
-          // Record the tab's current domain, so that we
-          // can see when it changes.
-          tabToDomainMap.set(browser, currentHost);
-        }
-      },
-      listener = { onLocationChange : onLocationChange };
-  return function (gBrowser, on) {
-    if (on) {
-      gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(listener);
-    } else {
-      gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(listener);
-    }
-  };
-// ## Window Resizing
-// __reshape(window, {left, top, width, height}, timeoutMs)__.
-// Reshapes the window to rectangle {left, top, width, height} and yields
-// until the window reaches its target size, or the timeout occurs.
-let reshape = function* (window, {left, top, width, height}, timeoutMs) {
-  let finishTime = Date.now() + timeoutMs,
-      x = isNumber(left) ? left : window.screenX,
-      y = isNumber(top) ? top : window.screenY,
-      w = isNumber(width) ? width : window.outerWidth,
-      h = isNumber(height) ? height : window.outerHeight;
-  // Make sure we are in a new event.
-  yield sleep(0);
-  // Sometimes we get a race condition in linux when maximizing,
-  // so check again at the last minute that resizing is allowed.
-  if (!canBeResized(window)) return;
-  if (w !== window.outerWidth || h !== window.outerHeight) {
-    window.resizeTo(w, h);
-  }
-  if (x !== window.screenX || y !== window.screenY) {
-    window.moveTo(x, y);
-  }
-  // Yield until we have the correct screen position and size, or
-  // we timeout. Multiple resize events often fire in a resize.
-  while (x !== window.screenX ||
-         y !== window.screenY ||
-         w !== window.outerWidth ||
-         h !== window.outerHeight) {
-    let timeLeft = finishTime - Date.now();
-    if (timeLeft <= 0) break;
-    yield listenForTrueResize(window, timeLeft);
-  }
-// __gaps(window)__.
-// Deltas between gBrowser and its container. Returns null if there is no gap.
-let gaps = function (window) {
-  let gBrowser = window.gBrowser,
-      container = gBrowser.parentElement,
-      deltaWidth = Math.max(0, container.clientWidth - gBrowser.clientWidth),
-      deltaHeight = Math.max(0, container.clientHeight - gBrowser.clientHeight);
-  return (deltaWidth === 0 && deltaHeight === 0) ? null
-           : { deltaWidth : deltaWidth, deltaHeight : deltaHeight };
-// __shrinkwrap(window)__.
-// Shrinks the window so that it encloses the gBrowser with no gaps.
-let shrinkwrap = function* (window) {
-  // Figure out what size change we need.
-  let currentGaps = gaps(window),
-      screenRightEdge = window.screen.availWidth + window.screen.availLeft,
-      windowRightEdge = window.screenX + window.outerWidth;
-  if (currentGaps) {
-    // Now resize to close the gaps.
-    yield reshape(window,
-                  {width : (window.outerWidth - currentGaps.deltaWidth),
-                   // Shrink in height only if we are not docked.
-                   height : !isDocked(window) ?
-                              (window.outerHeight -
-                               currentGaps.deltaHeight) : null,
-                   left : (isDocked(window) &&
-                           (windowRightEdge >= screenRightEdge)) ?
-                             (window.screenX + currentGaps.deltaWidth)
-                             : null },
-                  500);
-  }
-// __rebuild(window)__.
-// Jog the size of the window slightly, to remind the window manager
-// to redraw the window.
-let rebuild = function* (window) {
-  let h = window.outerHeight;
-  yield reshape(window, {height : (h + 1)}, 300);
-  yield reshape(window, {height : h}, 300);
-// __fixWindow(window)__.
-// An async function for Task.jsm. Makes sure the window looks okay
-// given the quantized browser element.
-let fixWindow = function* (window) {
-  if (canBeResized(window)) {
-    yield shrinkwrap(window);
-    if (!isMac && !isWindows) {
-      // Unfortunately, on some linux desktops,
-      // the window resize fails if the user is still holding on
-      // to the drag-resize handle. Even more unfortunately, the
-      // only way to know that the user if finished dragging
-      // if we detect the mouse cursor inside the window or the
-      // user presses a key.
-      // So, after the first mousemove, or keydown event occurs, we
-      // rebuild the window.
-      let event = yield Promise.race(
-        [listen(window, "mousemove", true),
-         listen(window, "keydown", true),
-         listen(window, "resize", true)]);
-      if (event !== "resize") {
-        yield rebuild(window);
-      }
-      return event;
-    }
-  }
-// __autoresize(window, stepMs)__.
-// Automatically resize the gBrowser, and then shrink the window
-// if the user has attempted to resize it.
-let autoresize = function (window, stepMs, xStep, yStep) {
-  let stop = false;
-  Task.spawn(function* () {
-    // Fix the content dimensions once at startup, and
-    // keep updating the dimensions whenever the user resizes
-    // the window.
-    while (!stop) {
-      updateDimensions(window, xStep, yStep);
-      let event = yield fixWindow(window);
-      // Do nothing until the user starts to resize window.
-      if ((!event || event.type !== "resize") && !stop) {
-        event = yield listenForTrueResize(window);
-      }
-      if (!isTilingWindowManager) {
-        while (event.type !== "timeout" && !stop) {
-          if (!stop) {
-            updateDimensions(window, xStep, yStep);
-            event = yield listenForTrueResize(window, stepMs);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // The user has likely released the mouse cursor on the window's
-      // drag/resize handle, so loop and call fixWindow.
-    }
-  });
-  return () => { stop = true; };
-// ## Main Function
-// __quantizeBrowserSizeMain(window, xStep, yStep)__.
-// Ensures that gBrowser width and height are multiples of xStep and yStep, and always as
-// large as possible inside the chrome window.
-let quantizeBrowserSizeMain = function (window, xStep, yStep) {
-  let gBrowser = window.gBrowser,
-      container = window.gBrowser.parentElement,
-      fullscreenHandler = function () {
-        // Use setTimeout to make sure we only update dimensions after
-        // full screen mode is fully established.
-        window.setTimeout(function () {
-          updateDimensions(window, xStep, yStep);
-	        updateBackground(window);
-        }, 0);
-      },
-      originalMinWidth = container.minWidth,
-      originalMinHeight = container.minHeight,
-      stopAutoresizing,
-      activate = function (on) {
-        console.log("activate:", on);
-        // Don't let the browser shrink below a single xStep x yStep size.
-        container.minWidth = on ? xStep : originalMinWidth;
-        container.minHeight = on ? yStep : originalMinHeight;
-        updateContainerAppearance(container, on);
-        updateBackground(window);
-        resetZoomOnDomainChanges(gBrowser, on);
-        if (on) {
-          shrinkwrap(window);
-          window.addEventListener("sizemodechange", fullscreenHandler, false);
-          stopAutoresizing = autoresize(window,
-                                        (isMac || isWindows) ? 250 : 500,
-                                        xStep, yStep);
-          console.log("activated");
-        } else {
-          if (stopAutoresizing) stopAutoresizing();
-          // Ignore future resize events.
-          window.removeEventListener("sizemodechange", fullscreenHandler, false);
-          // Let gBrowser expand with its parent vbox.
-          gBrowser.width = "";
-          gBrowser.maxHeight = "";
-          console.log("deactivated");
-        }
-     };
-  let unbind = bindPrefAndInit("extensions.torbutton.resize_windows", activate);
-  window.addEventListener("unload", unbind, true);
-// Only start quantizing once the window has become visible.
-var stopObserving = observe("xul-window-visible", function () {
-  if (Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser") === window) {
-    quantizeBrowserSizeMain(window, xStep, yStep);
-    stopObserving();
-  }
-// end of quantizeBrowserSize definition
diff --git a/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js b/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
index f521a6c..abf533f 100644
--- a/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
+++ b/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
@@ -402,8 +402,6 @@ function torbutton_init() {
                             m_tb_control_port, m_tb_control_pass,
-    quantizeBrowserSize(window, 100, 100);
     torbutton_log(3, 'init completed');
diff --git a/src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js b/src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js
index b9ba458..68772a5 100644
--- a/src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js
+++ b/src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ pref("extensions.torbutton.spoof_english",true);
 pref("extensions.torbutton.startup_state", 2); // 0=non-tor, 1=tor, 2=last

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