[tbb-commits] [torbutton/master] Bug 16200. Wipe cache on New Identity for TBB/FFESR38

mikeperry at torproject.org mikeperry at torproject.org
Thu Jun 25 02:39:39 UTC 2015

commit d37746c1077bf65666c13fed761afba385c3bb07
Author: Arthur Edelstein <arthuredelstein at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 8 00:19:25 2015 -0700

    Bug 16200. Wipe cache on New Identity for TBB/FFESR38
    (This updates and consolidates offline cache code as well.)
 src/chrome/content/torbutton.js |   30 ++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js b/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
index 3454613..5f4ba5c 100644
--- a/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
+++ b/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ConsoleServiceListener",
 XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "WebConsoleUtils",
+let { LoadContextInfo } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/LoadContextInfo.jsm');
 const k_tb_last_browser_version_pref = "extensions.torbutton.lastBrowserVersion";
 const k_tb_browser_update_needed_pref = "extensions.torbutton.updateNeeded";
 const k_tb_last_update_check_pref = "extensions.torbutton.lastUpdateCheck";
@@ -1785,30 +1787,26 @@ function torbutton_do_new_identity() {
   torbutton_log(3, "New Identity: Clearing Offline Cache");
-  var cache = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/cache-service;1"].
-      getService(Components.interfaces.nsICacheService);
   try {
-      cache.evictEntries(Ci.nsICache.STORE_OFFLINE);
+    for (let contextInfo of [LoadContextInfo.default, LoadContextInfo.private]) {
+      let appCacheStorage = Services.cache2.appCacheStorage(contextInfo, null);
+      // The following call (asyncEvictStorage) is actually synchronous, either
+      // if we have pref "browser.cache.use_new_backend" -> 1 or
+      // "browser.cache.use_new_backend_temp" -> true,
+      // then we are using the new cache (cache2) which operates synchronously.
+      // If we are using the old cache, then the tor-browser.git patch for
+      // #5715 also makes this synchronous. So we pass a null callback.
+      appCacheStorage.asyncEvictStorage(null);
+    }
   } catch(e) {
       torbutton_log(5, "Exception on cache clearing: "+e);
       window.alert("Torbutton: Unexpected error during offline cache clearing: "+e);
-  torbutton_log(3, "New Identity: Clearing LocalStorage");
-  try {
-      Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/offlineAppCache.jsm");
-      OfflineAppCacheHelper.clear();
-  } catch(e) {
-      torbutton_log(5, "Exception on localStorage clearing: "+e);
-      window.alert("Torbutton: Unexpected error during localStorage clearing: "+e);
-  }
-  torbutton_log(3, "New Identity: Clearing Disk Cache");
+  torbutton_log(3, "New Identity: Clearing Disk and Memory Caches");
   try {
-      cache.evictEntries(0);
+      Services.cache2.clear();
   } catch(e) {
       torbutton_log(5, "Exception on cache clearing: "+e);
       window.alert("Torbutton: Unexpected error during cache clearing: "+e);

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