[tbb-commits] [tor-browser/esr24] Bug 983344. r=sfink, a=dveditz

mikeperry at torproject.org mikeperry at torproject.org
Fri Aug 29 05:26:38 UTC 2014

commit 16a2781a8c683c5d10fee560baee00e6da2f055b
Author: Jeff Walden <jwalden at mit.edu>
Date:   Fri Mar 14 20:01:37 2014 -0400

     Bug 983344. r=sfink, a=dveditz
 js/src/jstypedarray.cpp |   33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/js/src/jstypedarray.cpp b/js/src/jstypedarray.cpp
index b8cf614..1630c5a 100644
--- a/js/src/jstypedarray.cpp
+++ b/js/src/jstypedarray.cpp
@@ -2335,6 +2335,10 @@ class TypedArrayTemplate
     copyFromArray(JSContext *cx, HandleObject thisTypedArrayObj,
                   HandleObject ar, uint32_t len, uint32_t offset = 0)
+        // Exit early if nothing to copy, to simplify loop conditions below.
+        if (len == 0)
+            return true;
         JS_ASSERT(offset <= length(thisTypedArrayObj));
         JS_ASSERT(len <= length(thisTypedArrayObj) - offset);
@@ -2344,34 +2348,47 @@ class TypedArrayTemplate
         const Value *src = NULL;
         NativeType *dest = static_cast<NativeType*>(viewData(thisTypedArrayObj)) + offset;
-        // The only way the code below can GC is if nativeFromValue fails, but
-        // in that case we return false immediately, so we do not need to root
-        // |src| and |dest|. These SkipRoots are to protect from the
-        // unconditional MaybeCheckStackRoots done by ToNumber.
+        // These SkipRoots are to protect from the unconditional
+        // MaybeCheckStackRoots done by ToNumber.
         SkipRoot skipDest(cx, &dest);
         SkipRoot skipSrc(cx, &src);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        JSRuntime *runtime = cx->runtime();
+        uint64_t gcNumber = runtime->gcNumber;
         if (ar->isArray() && !ar->isIndexed() && ar->getDenseInitializedLength() >= len) {
             JS_ASSERT(ar->getArrayLength() == len);
             src = ar->getDenseElements();
-            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+            uint32_t i = 0;
+            do {
                 NativeType n;
                 if (!nativeFromValue(cx, src[i], &n))
                     return false;
                 dest[i] = n;
-            }
+            } while (++i < len);
+            JS_ASSERT(runtime->gcNumber == gcNumber);
         } else {
             RootedValue v(cx);
-            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+            uint32_t i = 0;
+            do {
                 if (!JSObject::getElement(cx, ar, ar, i, &v))
                     return false;
                 NativeType n;
                 if (!nativeFromValue(cx, v, &n))
                     return false;
+                len = Min(len, length(thisTypedArrayObj));
+                if (i >= len)
+                    break;
+                // Compute every iteration in case getElement acts wacky.
+                dest = static_cast<NativeType*>(viewData(thisTypedArrayObj)) + offset;
                 dest[i] = n;
-            }
+            } while (++i < len);
         return true;

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