[tbb-bugs] #32297 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Version 9 problem (regular and alpha) when some Exit Nodes are blocked by a website firewall
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Mon Nov 25 17:24:14 UTC 2019
#32297: Version 9 problem (regular and alpha) when some Exit Nodes are blocked by a
website firewall
Reporter: mwolfe | Owner: tbb-
| team
Type: defect | Status:
| needs_information
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Applications/Tor Browser | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: tbb-9.0-issues, tbb-regression, | Actual Points:
TorBrowserTeam201911 |
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by mwolfe):
Replying to [comment:15 gk]:
> Replying to [comment:13 mwolfe]:
> > Replying to [comment:12 gk]:
> > > Replying to [comment:11 mwolfe]:
> >
> > > > > Fixed in latest update. Now I see the New Tor Circuit when I
click the (i) after Tor cannot conect! Thanks.
> > > > Sorry, fixed in OSX Capitan, still not working in Windows 10 ver
> > >
> > > Just to be on the same page here: with 9.0 this was an issue for
both macOS and Windows but with 9.0.1 this is no issue any longer for
macOS but Windows still remains? If so, can you re-test 9.0 now on your
macOS so we can rule out some macOS related software update that fixed
this. (old bundles are at: https://archive.torproject.org/tor-package-
> > I am unable to load 9.0 on my Mac. I downloaded it from
archive.torproject.org, but when I opened it, when it opened, it announced
that it had upgraded itself to 9.0.1.
> This happens after starting it a second time, yes. But if you just start
a fresh version and keep using it you should still have 9.0 because
*using* 9.0.1 requires a restart (the update is applied in the background,
I vaguely remember I still got the problem with 9.0, but now, as soon as
9.0 starts, it says that 9.0.1 has been added, restart to finish
installation, and, with 9.0.1 added (but without a restart) when I try to
reach Dilbert and cannot connect, I get the "New Circuit for this Site"
button and I can keep clicking until I connect.
I don't know if any changes in 9.0 occur after 9.0.1 is added but no
restart, and there doesn't seem to be any way to check. I might have not
gotten a 'timed out unable to connect' on OSX Capitan and so didn't notice
that 9.0 had the "New Circuit for this Site" since it was not very long
from 9.0 until 9.0.1
I first noticed the problem in 9.0a, and it was when 9.0.1 came out, that
the 9.xa version also had the "New Circuit for this Site" when it was
unable to connect because of a blocked Exit node. I had trouble going back
to 8.5 because I installed 9.0a in my Applications folder, and this is NOT
a good idea on OSX if one tries to go back and forth between the alpha
version and the regular version (I now have both in separate folders on my
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/32297#comment:16>
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