[tbb-bugs] #30786 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Ship Thai Tor Browser in alpha series
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Mon Nov 25 10:03:40 UTC 2019
#30786: Ship Thai Tor Browser in alpha series
Reporter: emmapeel | Owner: gk
Type: enhancement | Status: needs_review
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Applications/Tor Browser | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: TorBrowserTeam201911R | Actual Points: 0.25
Parent ID: #29935 | Points: 0.25
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by emmapeel):
Replying to [comment:9 gk]:
> Replying to [comment:8 emmapeel]:
> > ey there!
> >
> > the translators translated TBB in June, it can be a little
demotivating to wait so long to see their results, is there a way to speed
the addition of this translation, at least in alpha?
> Yes, there is. It would greatly speed up the process if you or someone
else provided a patch for review, ideally with bundles built for all
supported platforms.
Sorry I didn't saw this before. @gk when you see this maybe you can point
me to some documentation on how to do such a thing, if not this time, for
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/30786#comment:15>
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