[ooni-talk] Test COVID-19 websites

Lupa lupa at tedic.org
Mon Mar 23 16:42:17 UTC 2020


Sorry, about this pararaph:

El 23/3/20 a las 13:16, Maria Xynou escribió:
> Hello friends,
> Ensuring a free and open internet during emergencies is important, but
> access to COVID-19 information has already been censored in China &
> Venezuela.

About Venezuela, and as I can see [1], they are not blocking COVID-19
site, they are blocking a Guaido's paralell "government" site (then, is
another discussion).

Guaidó and his team, setup a COVID-19 URL that redirects to their
political page with some information their consider relevant.

So is not a COVID site: sometimes details are very important.


[1] https://vesinfiltro.com/noticias/bloqueado_portal_coronavirus_AN

Luis Alonzo - TEDIC

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