[ooni-talk] RightsCon -- OONI session

Maria Xynou maria at openobservatory.org
Fri Jul 24 09:31:17 UTC 2020

Hi friends,

RightsCon Online is taking place next week!

Along with CAIDA/IODA, we'll be facilitating the following session:

* Title: Investigating internet shutdowns with open data

* Date: Wednesday, 29th July 2020

* Time: 3:15pm UTC

* Place: https://rightscon.course.tc/ (private ZOOM link that you will
be able to find by logging into the RightsCon platform, if you've

Hope to see you there!

Please feel encouraged to share any RightsCon sessions you may be
facilitating. :)



Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
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