[ooni-talk] ParkNet: OONI's Short Documentary on Internet Censorship in Cuba

Maria Xynou maria at openobservatory.org
Mon Apr 23 14:11:47 UTC 2018


The OONI team is excited to let you know that we just published our
first short film!

Our 5-minute documentary is called "ParkNet: Exploring Internet
Censorship in Cuba".

* About the film:

* Watch the film on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QslsL84jx4E

Last year we traveled to Cuba to explore its internet landscape. You
might remember that we published a research report on our findings:

Today we publish this short film to share some of our key findings and
to provide a feel of Cuba's unique internet landscape. We also wanted to
experiment with the idea of presenting censorship findings with video.

Our OONI YouTube channel will feature new and exciting content over the
next months. Subscribe to receive updates:

Thanks for watching!


OONI team.

Maria Xynou
Research and Partnerships Coordinator
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
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