[ooni-talk] New report: Identifying cases of DNS misconfiguration

Maria Xynou maria at openobservatory.org
Fri Nov 24 15:01:14 UTC 2017

Hello Oonitarians,

Sometimes what may look like DNS blocking may in fact be a case of DNS
misconfiguration (which is not intentional censorship). Such cases were
observed in Brazil with the help of Coding Rights, and through the
analysis of OONI and RIPE network measurements.

Today, OONI's Leonid and Vasilis published a new report examining cases
of DNS misconfiguration, which is available here:


More specifically, this study draws upon the case of pernambuco.com, a
Brazilian news outlet that has reportedly been inaccessible in many
networks across Brazil. Following investigations, it was determined that
this site was not blocked by means of DNS tampering but rather,
inaccessible due to DNS misconfiguration. Similarly, many other
international domains were found to be inaccessible for the same reason.

OONI's latest study explains how to detect such cases, and offers advice
on possible solutions, to improve the accessibility of sites around the



Maria Xynou
Research and Partnerships Coordinator
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
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