[ooni-talk] Call for volunteers: Measuring internet blackouts

Maria Xynou maria at openobservatory.org
Tue Nov 7 18:08:57 UTC 2017


Wouldn't it be great if we could automatically track internet blackouts
around the world (i.e. when the internet as a whole is inaccessible)
through a mobile app and collect technical evidence? 

The OONI team is working on precisely that, but we need your help!

We are looking to collaborate with volunteers who are:

* Located in a region that frequently experiences internet blackouts (or
who can easily reach such locations)

* Quite tech-savvy and can help set-up a test lab (i.e. host a Raspberry
Pi or other hardware to run tests)

Is this you? Or do you know someone who would be interested in
collaborating with us? Please get in touch!

The aim of this methodology is to assist advocacy groups
fighting internet shutdowns through the collection of technical
evidence. We plan to ship this as part of the OONI Probe mobile apps.

By supporting the development of this methodology in its early stages,
you would be playing an important role in supporting a global community
that fights internet blackouts.

Happy to address questions. Looking forward to hearing from you!

All the best,


Maria Xynou
Research and Partnerships Coordinator
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
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