[ooni-talk] [OONI-operators] OONI on Next Thing Co's C.H.I.P

Vasilis andz at torproject.org
Sun Jul 2 10:35:00 UTC 2017


Arturo Filastò:

> I am moving this thread over to ooni-dev as ooni-operators is actually meant for just important communications to operators of ooniprobe instances.

I guess you wanted to move this in ooni-dev instead, in any way good
that you brought this thread out of ooni-operatos.

> As Vasilis points out you don’t actually need to install those extra dependencies via pip and are already part of the package installation, however you should NOT install ooniprobe via pip as it’s not the best way to install packages that will run as root.

I don't see a problem with installing the ooniprobe package via pip
(running as root). In contrary is a very well tested installation method
that has been tested and used for some time in different systems and
OSes and the default installation method for all lepidopter images.

Can you elaborate a bit more why installing ooniprobe from pip is not a
recommended installation method?

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