[TWN team] How can I help?
harmony01 at riseup.net
Sat Jan 31 22:00:11 UTC 2015
> Hello,
Hello Squeak!
> I've been reading Tor Weekly News for a while now, and I've only just
> noticed that at the bottom of each newsletter there's a request for
> volunteers to help put together the weekly newsletter. I know, very
> observant of me but consider me another volunteer. :-)
How wonderful to hear from you. I hope we can find a way for you to help
with TWN; your assistance would be very much appreciated.
> I'm not a developer, but I do know my way around Tor well enough to run
> a couple of relays without too much hassle. I'm a native English
> speaker, so hopefully I should also be able to help out with any of
> those little grammar or spelling problems that arise from having English
> as a second language. Hopefully, as I learn a little more about how
> everything works I might be able to contribute in some other areas as well.
This sounds great. You certainly don't need to be a developer to help
write the newsletter. Goodness knows I'm no programmer, and I've not run
any relays...
> I also think this would be a good way for me to learn more about how the
> Tor Project, Inc itself works. This is something I've wanted to do for
> a while, so if I can learn something as well as contributing to the
> community then that would be as awesome as three very big awesome things!
Tor Weekly News definitely has more to do with “the Tor community” than
with “The Tor Project, Inc.”: for example, it doesn't cover
sponsor-related admin things, and it's not an official mouthpiece of
Tor-the-company. But you'll certainly become familiar with who does
what, and over time identify areas where you can lend a hand in other ways.
> Okay, I'm off to dive into the wiki and see what I can see and any
> advice you guys can give me would be great!
If you want to get started writing, feel free to pick something that
happened this week and summarize it in a paragraph or two - for example,
the Mozilla blog post about their new relays is something we'll
definitely want to include (link below). When you want to reference
something, put three x's in square brackets after that part of the
sentence, and then at the end of the text write another set of x's
(indented one space), followed by a colon, followed by the address of
the list email, blog post, etc. Like this:
Some text [XXX].
[XXX]: https://blog.mozilla.org/it/2015/01/28/deploying-tor-relays/
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on- or off-list.
Thanks for volunteering!
> Yours
> Squeak
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