[TWN team] next week
harmony01 at riseup.net
Fri Feb 27 18:47:56 UTC 2015
Karsten Loesing:
> On 24/02/15 22:35, Harmony wrote:
>> I will be unable to take care of the next Tor Weekly News (4th
>> March). If someone else wants to take over, please feel free -
>> otherwise, there will be a pause for breath, and normal service
>> will resume in time for 11th March.
> I have 4:55 hours at Charles de Gaulle airport next Wednesday to
> take care of TWN. I'm not sure whether I'll have Internet access,
> but I can find out on Sunday on the way to Valencia. I could
> imagine putting out a draft at 16:00 UTC and publishing at 18:00
> UTC. I would appreciate any hints on the necessary steps to
> publish, or otherwise I'll do the numbering and formatting
> manually. And I would appreciate if people start writing drafts
> of items that already exist.
> If this is good enough for you, I'll do it.
> If somebody else with more experience wants to do it, please do
> it.
> Taking a break is also an option, but maybe we can avoid that.
Hi Karsten,
Thank you for volunteering. I've just written up some of the possible
text on the wiki.
I include some information below about how to send it out, in addition
to what is already listed on the TWN wiki page
If you find yourself unable to do it for any reason, please don't
worry about it.
1. Paste the completed text of the newsletter (with XXXs still in
place) into a text file, and save it to your drive as something like
2. Run the 'numerize.rb' script
on this file to get a numbered version (if the numbers don't match the
footnotes, someone left out an XXX marker somewhere). `./numerize.rb <
TWN87nonum > TWN87`
3. Wrap all the non-footnote lines to 72 chars.
4. Send out that text to tor-news@ and tor-talk at . You might need to
stop your mail program from wrapping the URL lines.
5. If you want to handle the blog post as well, you can run the
'linkify.rb' script
over the numerized version of the text, then manually apply the
autogenerated hyperlinks to the right words, and make the other
changes listed on the wiki page. Or you can leave this for me to do a
few days later.
6. Don't worry about the rest.
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