[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Wed Feb 18 12:40:04 UTC 2015

==== https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/2015/7 ====

version 4
Author: harmony
Date:   2015-02-18T11:52:19+00:00

   this week

--- version 3
+++ version 4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ''85th issue of Tor Weekly News. Covering what's happening from February 10th, 2015 to February 17th, 2015. To be released on February 18th, 2015.''
+'''Editor:''' Harmony
 '''Subject:''' Tor Weekly News — February 18th, 2015
@@ -10,82 +10,134 @@
 Welcome to the seventh issue in 2015 of Tor Weekly News, the weekly
-newsletter that covers what’s happening in the XXX Tor community.
+newsletter that covers what’s happening in the Tor community.
-Feature XXX
+Onion services
-Feature 1 with cited source [XXX]
+Anonymous web services hosted in the Tor network [XXX] have until now
+been referred to as “hidden services”. Although this name accurately
+describes one of their properties, it does not convey some of the other
+benefits that the system provides, like end-to-end encryption without a
+purchased SSL certificate, or self-authenticating domain names outside
+of the commercial DNS system. Furthermore, as Aaron Johnson points
+out [XXX], words like “hidden” and “dark” have an unnecessarily negative
- [XXX]:
+Aaron and other members of the SponsorR team declared themselves in
+favor of using the word “onion” (as in “onion routing” [XXX]) to
+characterize Tor-protected web services. “Hidden services” could be
+renamed “onion services”, while websites offered as onion services are
+“onionsites”; an onion service’s URL is its “onion address”, while the
+dreaded “Dark Web” becomes simply “onionspace”.
-Monthly status reports for XXX month 2015
+A full list of new and more precise terminology is in Aaron’s message
+and on the Tor wiki [XXX]; please feel free to contribute to the
+discussion on the tor-dev mailing list with your thoughts.
-The wave of regular monthly reports from Tor project members for the
-month of XXX has begun. XXX released his report first [XXX], followed
-by reports from name 2 [XXX], name 3 [XXX], and name 4 [XXX].
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
+ [XXX]: https://www.torproject.org/docs/hidden-services
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2015-February/008256.html
+ [XXX]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion_routing
+ [XXX]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors/SponsorR/Terminology
 Miscellaneous news
+Nathan Freitas of the Guardian Project announced [XXX] the release of
+version 15-alpha-3 of Orbot. This release includes more work on VPN
+support, and builds on last week’s early release of the PLUTO
+library [XXX] to offer support for meek [XXX], although it is not
+currently possible to use both at the same time. See Nathan’s
+announcement for usage instructions and download links.
-Item 1 with cited source [XXX].
+ [XXX]: https://lists.mayfirst.org/pipermail/guardian-dev/2015-February/004243.html
+ [XXX]: https://github.com/guardianproject/pluto
+ [XXX]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/meek
-Item 2 with cited source [XXX].
+Yawning Angel asked for comments [XXX] on an implementation of a
+proposal [XXX] to let Tor create “ephemeral” onion services, using key
+material that is supplied at runtime rather than stored on the disk. See
+Yawning’s post for a detailed explanation of the concept and a link to
+the new code; however, trying to run this untested and unreviewed new
+so don’t do that.
-Item 3 with cited source [XXX].
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2015-February/008279.html
+ [XXX]: https://bugs.torproject.org/6411
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
+Yawning also announced [XXX] version 0.0.4 of obfs4proxy, which “is
+more useful for the Tor Browser people than anyone else, since it means
+that the next build can remove the old go.crypto cruft from the build
+process, and the ScrambleSuit client provider can be switched over to
+obfs4proxy like obfs2 and obfs3 have been”.
-Tor help desk roundup
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2015-February/008306.html
-Summary of some questions sent to the Tor help desk. 
+SiNA Rabbani announced that Faravahar, the directory authority which he
+operates, will be moving to a new IP address on Friday [XXX].
-News from Tor StackExchange
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2015-February/008278.html
-Text with cited source [XXX].
+Thanks to cuanto [XXX] for running a mirror of the Tor Project website
+and software!
- [XXX]:
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-mirrors/2015-February/000858.html
-Easy development tasks to get involved with
+Thomas White published [XXX] a guide [XXX] to configuring an Nginx
+webserver as a hidden service: “It isn’t intended to be a hardening
+guide or an ultra secure way of hosting, but it is for people who want
+to casually publish some static HTML files or with a little extra
+configuration to host some applications”.
-Text with cited source [XXX].
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2015-February/036886.html
+ [XXX]: https://www.thecthulhu.com/setting-up-a-hidden-service-with-nginx/
- [XXX]: 
+Collin Anderson and the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab made a joint
+submission [XXX] to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the
+promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and
+expression, examining the importance of digital security software such
+as Tor in upholding free expression and the right to privacy.
-This week in Tor history
+ [XXX]: https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/SR-FOE-submission.pdf
-Text with cited source [XXX].
+carlo von lynX wondered [XXX] about the truth of the statement that “it
+would take latencies in the order of hours to fully make communications
+impossible to shape and correlate”. Roger Dingledine clarified [XXX]:
+“It’s actually worse than that — we have no idea. I’d love to have a
+graph where the x axis is how much additional overhead (latency,
+bandwidth, whatever) we’re willing to add, and the y axis is how much
+additional security (anonymity, privacy, whatever) we can get. Currently
+we have zero data points for this graph.”
- [XXX]: 
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2015-February/036911.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2015-February/036912.html
 Upcoming events
-Jul XX-XX | Event XXX brief description
-          | Event City, Event Country
-          | Event website URL
-          |
-Jul XX-XX | Event XXX brief description
-          | Event City, Event Country
-          | Event website URL
+  Feb 18 13:30 UTC | little-t tor development meeting
+                   | #tor-dev, irc.oftc.net
+                   |
+  Feb 23 18:00 UTC | Tor Browser online meeting
+                   | #tor-dev, irc.oftc.net
+                   |
+  Feb 23 18:00 UTC | OONI development meeting
+                   | #ooni, irc.oftc.net
+                   |
+  Feb 24 18:00 UTC | little-t tor patch workshop
+                   | #tor-dev, irc.oftc.net
+                   |
+  Mar 01 - 06      | Tor Winter Dev Meeting 2015
+                   | Valencia, Spain
+                   | https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2015WinterDevMeeting
+                   |
+  Mar 24 - 25      | Roger and Jake @ RightsCon 2015
+                   | Manila, Philippines
+                   | https://www.rightscon.org/manila/
-This issue of Tor Weekly News has been assembled by XXX, XXX, and
+This issue of Tor Weekly News has been assembled by Harmony and Roger
 Want to continue reading TWN? Please help us create this newsletter.
 We still need more volunteers to watch the Tor community and report
@@ -96,8 +148,3 @@
   [XXX]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews
   [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/news-team
-Possible items:
- * https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/SR-FOE-submission.pdf
- * https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2015-February/008256.html

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