[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Wed Feb 11 02:20:05 UTC 2015

==== https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/2015/6 ====

version 15
Author: harmony
Date:   2015-02-11T01:44:33+00:00

   missing xxx

--- version 14
+++ version 15
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@
 Issues and “stopping points” (where users find the process too
 difficult to continue) discovered during these sessions were noted, and
-have been assigned tickets on Tor’s bug tracker. For more details of the
-event and its outcome, please see Linda and David’s post; “if you are
-interested in helping to improve the usability of Tor Browser, get in
-touch by email or IRC”.
+have been assigned tickets on Tor’s bug tracker [XXX]. For more details
+of the event and its outcome, please see Linda and David’s post; “if you
+are interested in helping to improve the usability of Tor Browser, get
+in touch by email or IRC”.
  [XXX]: https://blog.torproject.org/blog/ux-sprint-2015-wrapup
  [XXX]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2015UXsprint

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      In case of malfunction, please reach out for lunar at torproject.org
          or for the worst cases, tell weasel at torproject.org to kill me.

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