[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages
lunar at torproject.org
Mon Feb 9 00:40:07 UTC 2015
==== https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/2015/6 ====
version 5
Author: arma
Date: 2015-02-09T00:08:51+00:00
--- version 4
+++ version 5
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@
Ultimately he decided that Go isn't the right language for such a thing (or rather, that its library support doesn't
make it easy enough to do), but it's really neat that he went through this effort!
+Shadow, the tool by Rob Jansen that allows full Tor network simulation, now has a new website:
+Rob [http://mailman.cs.umn.edu/archives/shadow-dev/2015-February/000081.html says]:
+"The new website still uses the Jekyll engine, and is a stripped down customized
+version of the open source SOLID theme. Please send me feedback if you have it."
On the "first they came for the riseup users" theory, there's an update from last week on the Spanish users who
were arrested because they had Riseup accounts:
version 4
Author: arma
Date: 2015-02-09T00:05:56+00:00
--- version 3
+++ version 4
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@
Ultimately he decided that Go isn't the right language for such a thing (or rather, that its library support doesn't
make it easy enough to do), but it's really neat that he went through this effort!
+On the "first they came for the riseup users" theory, there's an update from last week on the Spanish users who
+were arrested because they had Riseup accounts:
+You can read Riseup's earlier explanation here:
Item 1 with cited source [XXX].
version 3
Author: arma
Date: 2015-02-09T00:03:32+00:00
--- version 2
+++ version 3
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
A new meek howto in Chinese: http://www.atgfw.org/2015/02/torgfwpk1-meektor.html
(this is actually the third such meek howto in Chinese: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/meek)
+Tom "TvdW" van der Woerdt wrote last week (and I think we missed it?) about his experiences writing a Tor relay
+implementation in Go:
+Ultimately he decided that Go isn't the right language for such a thing (or rather, that its library support doesn't
+make it easy enough to do), but it's really neat that he went through this effort!
Item 1 with cited source [XXX].
version 2
Author: arma
Date: 2015-02-09T00:00:24+00:00
--- version 1
+++ version 2
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
Miscellaneous news
+A new meek howto in Chinese: http://www.atgfw.org/2015/02/torgfwpk1-meektor.html
+(this is actually the third such meek howto in Chinese: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/meek)
Item 1 with cited source [XXX].
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