[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages
lunar at torproject.org
Mon Sep 22 22:00:04 UTC 2014
=== https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/2014/38 ===
version 27
Author: harmony
Date: 2014-09-22T21:24:06+00:00
clarify a bit
--- version 26
+++ version 27
@@ -64,16 +64,17 @@
dirauths, and therefore clients, work out how much of a relay’s capacity
is being used for first hops by clients, and how much for second and
third hops, by finding the fraction of recent consensuses in which
-the relay has been given the Guard flag [XXX]. George Kadianakis
-published [XXX] an analysis of ways in which dirauths’ votes could be
-extended to include this guardiness measurement, taking into account the
-time and effort required to parse large numbers of Tor consensuses very
-quickly. The initial proposal was to ask dirauths to run a script each
-hour that would extract the data required for parsing into “summary
-files”, while Peter Palfrader suggested [XXX] that loading every
-consensus into a database for later querying might be more efficient,
-and Sebastian Hahn asked [XXX] how this measure might fail in different
+the relay has been given the Guard flag [XXX]; the “dead period”
+following the assignment of the flag can then be avoided. George
+Kadianakis published [XXX] an analysis of ways in which dirauths’ votes
+could be extended to include this guardiness measurement, taking into
+account the time and effort required to parse large numbers of Tor
+consensuses very quickly. The initial proposal was to ask dirauths to
+run a script each hour that would extract the data required for parsing
+into “summary files”: Sebastian Hahn asked [XXX] how this measure might
+fail in different situations, and Peter Palfrader suggested [XXX] that
+loading every consensus into a database for later querying might be more
“This feature is by far the trickiest part of prop236 (guard node
security) and I wanted to inform all dirauths of our plan and ask for
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