[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Mon May 26 15:40:16 UTC 2014

=== https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/2014/21 ===

version 37
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T14:51:31+00:00

   write about moving descriptor archives out of metrics

--- version 36
+++ version 37
@@ -139,6 +139,11 @@
  [XXX]: https://code.google.com/p/address-sanitizer/wiki/AddressSanitizer
  [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-qa/2014-May/000414.html
+Karsten Loesing is planning on spinning off the directory archive
+from the metrics portal [XXX].
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006909.html
 Tor help desk roundup
@@ -201,5 +206,3 @@
 Possible items:
  * Instantbird OTR support with minimalistic UI https://bugs.torproject.org/11533
- * Spinning off Directory Archive from Metrics Portal https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006909.html

version 36
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T14:47:08+00:00

   rework Onion Browser item

--- version 35
+++ version 36
@@ -66,15 +66,17 @@
  [XXX]: https://people.torproject.org/~lunar/tor-and-https/
  [XXX]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/lunar/tor-and-https.git/blob/HEAD:/tor-and-https.pot
-Cure53 released a report on the security of the Onion Browser, a web
+Cure53 audited the security [XXX] of the Onion Browser [XXX], a web
 browser for iOS platforms tunneling traffic through Tor. From the
 conclusion: “we believe that the Onion Browser project is on the right
 track, however there is still a long way ahead for the project to be
 appropriately ‘ripe’ for usage in actually privacy-relevant and
-critically important scenarios.”
- [XXX]: https://mike.tig.as/onionbrowser
+critically important scenarios.” All reported issues should have been
+fixed in release 1.5 [XXX], released May 14th.
  [XXX]: https://cure53.de/pentest-report_onion-browser.pdf
+ [XXX]: https://mike.tig.as/onionbrowser/
+ [XXX]: https://mike.tig.as/onionbrowser/security/#v1_5
 David Fifield published [XXX] “A Child’s Garden of Pluggable
 Transports” [XXX], a detailed visualization of different pluggable

version 35
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T14:40:28+00:00

   add link to blog post

--- version 34
+++ version 35
@@ -101,9 +101,10 @@
  [XXX]: https://github.com/Yawning/obfs4
  [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006897.html
-Stem now offers an interactive prompt to control Tor. Damian Johnson wrote
-a new tutorial [XXX]  to give an overview of what can be done with it.
+Stem now offers an interactive prompt to control Tor [XXX]. Damian Johnson
+wrote a new tutorial [XXX] to give an overview of what can be done with it.
+ [XXX]: https://blog.torproject.org/blog/new-feature-tor-interpreter
  [XXX]: https://stem.torproject.org/tutorials/down_the_rabbit_hole.html
 On the controller front, Yawning Angel also hacked on or-applet [XXX],

version 34
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T14:35:49+00:00

   write about ASan

--- version 33
+++ version 34
@@ -128,6 +128,14 @@
  [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2014-May/033032.html
  [XXX]: https://www.torproject.org/projects/obfsproxy-instructions.html
+AddressSanitizer [XXX] (ASan) is a powerful memory error detector. Software
+built with such technology makes it a lot hard to exploit programming error
+related to memory management. Georg Koppen has happily announced [XXX]
+the first test packages of the Tor Browser built with ASan hardening.
+ [XXX]: https://code.google.com/p/address-sanitizer/wiki/AddressSanitizer
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-qa/2014-May/000414.html
 Tor help desk roundup
@@ -189,7 +197,6 @@
 Possible items:
- * TBB built with Address Sanitizer  https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-qa/2014-May/000414.html
  * Instantbird OTR support with minimalistic UI https://bugs.torproject.org/11533
  * Spinning off Directory Archive from Metrics Portal https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006909.html

version 33
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T14:29:35+00:00

   reword item about Stem new control prompt

--- version 32
+++ version 33
@@ -101,9 +101,8 @@
  [XXX]: https://github.com/Yawning/obfs4
  [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006897.html
-Damian Johnson wrote a new tutorial [XXX] for the Stem controller
-library, giving an overview of Stem’s control prompt and Python
-interpreter, and what can be done with it.
+Stem now offers an interactive prompt to control Tor. Damian Johnson wrote
+a new tutorial [XXX]  to give an overview of what can be done with it.
  [XXX]: https://stem.torproject.org/tutorials/down_the_rabbit_hole.html
@@ -193,4 +192,4 @@
  * TBB built with Address Sanitizer  https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-qa/2014-May/000414.html
  * Instantbird OTR support with minimalistic UI https://bugs.torproject.org/11533
  * Spinning off Directory Archive from Metrics Portal https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006909.html
- * New Feature: Tor Interpreter https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006910.html

version 32
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T14:26:27+00:00

   write about or-applet

--- version 31
+++ version 32
@@ -107,6 +107,11 @@
  [XXX]: https://stem.torproject.org/tutorials/down_the_rabbit_hole.html
+On the controller front, Yawning Angel also hacked on or-applet [XXX],
+a Gtk+ system tray applet to monitor Tor circuits.
+ [XXX]: https://github.com/yawning/or-applet
 Israel Leiva published [XXX] the initial version of a design
 proposal [XXX] for the “Revamp GetTor” Google Summer of Code project,
 having concluded that a full rewrite is needed.
@@ -185,7 +190,6 @@
 Possible items:
- * or-applet https://github.com/yawning/or-applet
  * TBB built with Address Sanitizer  https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-qa/2014-May/000414.html
  * Instantbird OTR support with minimalistic UI https://bugs.torproject.org/11533
  * Spinning off Directory Archive from Metrics Portal https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006909.html

version 31
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T14:21:31+00:00

   write about obfs4

--- version 30
+++ version 31
@@ -90,6 +90,17 @@
  [XXX]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/AChildsGardenOfPluggableTransports
  [XXX]: https://www.torproject.org/docs/pluggable-transports
+A new pluggable transport, currently named obfs4 [XXX], is being crafted by
+Yawning Angel: “obfs4 is ScrambleSuit with djb crypto. Instead of obfs3 style
+UniformDH and CTR-AES256/HMAC-SHA256, obfs4 uses a combination of
+Curve25519, Elligator2, HMAC-SHA256, XSalsa20/Poly1305 and SipHash-2-4”.
+The feature set offered by obfs4 is comparable to ScrambleSuit with minor
+differences. Yawning is now asking the community for comments, reviews, and
+tests [XXX].
+ [XXX]: https://github.com/Yawning/obfs4
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006897.html
 Damian Johnson wrote a new tutorial [XXX] for the Stem controller
 library, giving an overview of Stem’s control prompt and Python
 interpreter, and what can be done with it.
@@ -174,7 +185,6 @@
 Possible items:
- * RFC: obfs4 https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006897.html
  * or-applet https://github.com/yawning/or-applet
  * TBB built with Address Sanitizer  https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-qa/2014-May/000414.html
  * Instantbird OTR support with minimalistic UI https://bugs.torproject.org/11533

version 30
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T13:56:42+00:00

   write about Sophos

--- version 29
+++ version 30
@@ -117,7 +117,12 @@
 Tor help desk roundup
-Summary of some questions sent to the Tor help desk. 
+Multiple Mac OS X users complained that despite seeing the “Congratulations”
+welcome page, they were unable to reach any website with the Tor Browser.
+It appears that with a recent update, the Sophos anti-virus solution
+interferes with the Tor Browser. In order to be able to use the Tor Browser
+again, one must open Sophos Anti-Virus, then “Preferences” and in the
+“Web Protection” panel position all switches to off.
 News from Tor StackExchange

version 29
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T13:27:01+00:00

   write about cure53's report

--- version 28
+++ version 29
@@ -65,6 +65,16 @@
  [XXX]: https://www.eff.org/pages/tor-and-https/
  [XXX]: https://people.torproject.org/~lunar/tor-and-https/
  [XXX]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/lunar/tor-and-https.git/blob/HEAD:/tor-and-https.pot
+Cure53 released a report on the security of the Onion Browser, a web
+browser for iOS platforms tunneling traffic through Tor. From the
+conclusion: “we believe that the Onion Browser project is on the right
+track, however there is still a long way ahead for the project to be
+appropriately ‘ripe’ for usage in actually privacy-relevant and
+critically important scenarios.”
+ [XXX]: https://mike.tig.as/onionbrowser
+ [XXX]: https://cure53.de/pentest-report_onion-browser.pdf
 David Fifield published [XXX] “A Child’s Garden of Pluggable
 Transports” [XXX], a detailed visualization of different pluggable
@@ -165,4 +175,3 @@
  * Instantbird OTR support with minimalistic UI https://bugs.torproject.org/11533
  * Spinning off Directory Archive from Metrics Portal https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006909.html
  * New Feature: Tor Interpreter https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006910.html
- * cure53 report on Onion Browser https://cure53.de/pentest-report_onion-browser.pdf

version 28
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T13:03:02+00:00

   add item

--- version 27
+++ version 28
@@ -164,4 +164,5 @@
  * TBB built with Address Sanitizer  https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-qa/2014-May/000414.html
  * Instantbird OTR support with minimalistic UI https://bugs.torproject.org/11533
  * Spinning off Directory Archive from Metrics Portal https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006909.html
- * New Feature: Tor Interpreter https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006910.html
+ * New Feature: Tor Interpreter https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006910.html
+ * cure53 report on Onion Browser https://cure53.de/pentest-report_onion-browser.pdf

version 27
Author: lunar
Date:   2014-05-26T12:41:26+00:00

   add event

--- version 26
+++ version 27
@@ -132,13 +132,17 @@
 Upcoming events
- May 28 19:00 UTC | little-t tor development meeting
-                  | #tor-dev, irc.oftc.net
-                  | https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006888.html
-                  |
- May 30 15:00 UTC | Tor Browser online meeting
-                  | #tor-dev, irc.oftc.net
-                  | https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tbb-dev/2014-April/000049.html
+ May  28 19:00 UTC | little-t tor development meeting
+                   | #tor-dev, irc.oftc.net
+                   | https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-May/006888.html
+                   |
+ May  30 15:00 UTC | Tor Browser online meeting
+                   | #tor-dev, irc.oftc.net
+                   | https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tbb-dev/2014-April/000049.html
+                   |
+ June  6 17:30 EDT | Tails 1.0 Launch Party
+                   | Washington, DC, USA
+                   | http://tailslaunch.eventbrite.com/
 This issue of Tor Weekly News has been assembled by XXX, XXX, and

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      In case of malfunction, please reach out for lunar at torproject.org
          or for the worst cases, tell weasel at torproject.org to kill me.

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