[TWN team] Suggestion for new TWN section: easy development tasks to get involved

Brandon Hubbard bchub at me.com
Mon May 19 13:17:36 UTC 2014

I just know I would like to get involved and the easy tasks are where that could be.
On May 19, 2014, at 6:03 AM, Karsten Loesing <karsten at torproject.org> wrote:

> On 19/05/14 14:35, Lunar wrote:
>> Karsten Loesing:
>>> How about the following process for deciding how many tasks to include
>>> in the next issue:
>>> We try to make sure that there are always two or three tasks under
>>> "Queued up for next issue"
>>> (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/BugsToPlug#Queuedupfornextissue).
>>> Whoever is the TWN editor decides how many tasks they want to include
>>> and copies over that text.  This could happen right before the freeze
>>> deadline, or whenever the editor does it.  I'm happy to clean up the
>>> BugsToPlug page afterwards.
>>> If this works for you, I wouldn't mess with the week's main TWN page.
>>> So, I wouldn't add tasks that you'd have to remove later on, because
>>> there's not enough space.  However, the editor would be responsible for
>>> including the new section and shouldn't forget to do that *if* there's
>>> enough space.  Does that work for you?
>> I find it a little bit backward. I'd rather have the “Easy task” section
>> added to the current week as soon as it is ready. Then before the
>> freeze, the editor should feel free to move entries to next week if they
>> feel the newsletter too crowded.
> Sure, works for me, too.
> Added two tasks to TWN 20.  Feel free to move them back or forward to
> TWN 21 as needed.
>> But I'm also open to try the way you've described.
> Whatever works best for you.
> Thanks!
> All the best,
> Karsten
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