[TWN team] Reddit Ask Me Anything on Tor

Jesse Victors jvictors at jessevictors.com
Tue Mar 25 08:03:30 UTC 2014

Hello Tor news team,

Last week I posted on the relay operator's mailing list about a Reddit
Ask Me Anything on Tor that I held. I thought it would be picked up by
the news team, but it wasn't. Since no new questions have been asked
recently in the Reddit thread I felt that I should contact you guys. I'd
like to include it in tomorrow's edition. The link the AMA is here:
Here is what I propose, but feel free to modify of course:

/A Tor exit operator recently held an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. /r/IAmA
is one of the most popular subreddits, and AMAs are a//great opportunity
for the public to ask questions and learn from significant or otherwise
interesting people. The Tor AMA was quite successful: it generated over
800 upvotes, 478 comments, and was read by thousands. The most popular
questions were focused on how to improve the use of Tor, the legality of
exit nodes, discussions on hidden services, the workings of Tor, and
many other topics related to privacy and security. The link to the AMA

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