[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages
lunar at torproject.org
Sun Mar 9 04:00:04 UTC 2014
=== https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/2014/10 ===
version 16
Author: mttp
Date: 2014-03-09T03:26:58+00:00
--- version 15
+++ version 16
@@ -54,7 +54,11 @@
Tor help desk roundup
-Summary of some questions sent to the Tor help desk.
+Users have asked us why 'About TorBrowser' in the Tor Browser's
+Help menu displays the Firefox Logo instead of the Tor logo.
+This has been a known issue for some time, and fixing it is
+not as easy it would seem. Relevant bug tickets here are
+#2176, #5194, #5698, and #10888.
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or for the worst cases, tell weasel at torproject.org to kill me.
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