[TWN team] No easy development tasks for this week (from me)

harmony harmony01 at riseup.net
Mon Jun 16 15:33:15 UTC 2014

Hi Lisa,

> I feel like an idiot here but I'm not quite clear on how to help  the news desk.  I'm a professional editor and journalist and want to donate my services. Some of the emails I don't understand. If anyone can shed any light on how I can help I would appreciate it. 

Each week we collaborate to write Tor Weekly News, a short
newsletter-style bulletin about anything to do with the development or
use of the Tor software. The newsletter is published every Wednesday via
another mailing list [1] and also on the Tor Project’s blog [2].

The job involves watching the various places where Tor developers and
users communicate (mailing lists, internet discussion channels, blogs,
question-and-answer sites), picking up on anything that we feel should
be brought to everyone’s attention (questions, problems, interesting new
developments), and writing it up on a dedicated web page for that week,
which is hosted on the Tor wiki, another part of the Tor Project’s
website (for example, see this week’s page [3]).

Then, between Tuesday and Wednesday, we stop accepting new items, and
make sure that everything looks good (that lines of text are all under a
certain length, for example), is technically accurate, and that the
English is clear and easy to understand. Then, one of us copies the text
from the week’s page into an email, sends it out, and posts it at the
same time to the blog. We hope to offer an easy way for people to keep
themselves informed about the many things that are going on in the
rather sprawling Tor community.

If you'd like to help, the best thing to start with would be to read
through the basic guidelines on the wiki [4], look at a couple of past
issues of the newsletter [5], and then register an account at the wiki
[6] to make edits.

If you already have experience in editing, you might want to start by
looking at the language, since some of us are not native English
speakers, and we could always use some tuning up where spelling and
grammar are concerned. Or, if you feel more comfortable with how Tor
works, you can look for important links and items that you think we’ve
missed, and add them to the bottom of the week’s page under ’possible

I hope that helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks for volunteering!

[1] https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-news
[2] https://blog.torproject.org/
[3] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/2014/24
[4] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews
[5] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-news/
[6] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/register

More information about the news-team mailing list