[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Wed Dec 17 09:00:04 UTC 2014

=== https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/2014/50 ===

version 15
Author: karsten
Date:   2014-12-17T08:12:52+00:00

   Add whitespace.

--- version 14
+++ version 15
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 harass, we mean categorically: we will neither tolerate it in others,
 nor will we accept it among ourselves. We are dedicated to both
 protecting our employees and colleagues from violence, and trying to
-foster more positive and mindful behavior online ourselves…We are
+foster more positive and mindful behavior online ourselves… We are
 working within our community to devise ways to concretely support people
 who suffer from online harassment; this statement is part of that
 discussion. We hope it will contribute to the larger public conversation
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 cryptographic and other features of “basket” in Yawning’s post, which is
 replete with warnings against using the software at this stage: “It’s
 almost at the point where brave members of the general public should be
-aware that it exists as a potential option in the privacy toolbox…[but]
+aware that it exists as a potential option in the privacy toolbox… [but]
 seriously, unless you are a developer or researcher, you REALLY SHOULD
 NOT use ‘basket’.” If you are gifted or foolhardy enough to ignore
 Yawning’s advice and test “basket” for yourself, please let the tor-dev
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 are 4267 bridges, of which 1819 serve their ORPort on port 443 and 383
 serve on port 9001. That’s 52% of tor bridges. There are 1926
 pluggable-transports enabled bridges, 316 with ORPort 443 and 33 with
-ORPort 9001. That’s 18% of Tor bridges…I realized I was also discovering
+ORPort 9001. That’s 18% of Tor bridges… I realized I was also discovering
 a fair amount of private bridges not included in the Onionoo data set.”
 Vlad recommended that operators be warned to change their ORPorts away
 from the default; Aaron Johnson suggested [XXX] possible alternative

version 14
Author: karsten
Date:   2014-12-17T07:44:06+00:00

   31C3 is only until the 30th.

--- version 13
+++ version 14
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
   Dec 23 18:00 UTC | little-t tor patch workshop
                    | #tor-dev, irc.oftc.net
-  Dec 27-31        | Tor @ 31st Chaos Communication Congress
+  Dec 27-30        | Tor @ 31st Chaos Communication Congress
                    | Hamburg, Germany
                    | https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/wiki/Main_Page

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