[TWN team] Editor and watchers needed for TWN #11

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Thu Sep 5 07:47:19 UTC 2013

> OK, well I'm happy to do all that. It's safe to assume where you've
> written 'if you have access...' that I don't have the access, so you
> will need to do those steps as you suggest, but otherwise I'm good.

Great! :)

> One question - what is the quickest way of doing the line-wrapping
> online/on a Linux machine? I've been doing it manually when I make
> changes to the wiki, which I sense is very much not how it should be
> done...

I use vim.

My process is a little bit tedious, but I did not research something
better so far. I copy/paste the wiki source to a new file using gedit.
Then fire up vim. Use `:set et tw=72` to adjust the text width. Then I
go through the text and use a combination of `J` and `gqw` to rewrap
paragraphs as they should. Once I'm done, I reopen the text using gedit
and copy/paste back to the browser. Not ideal, but it works for me.

Lunar                                             <lunar at torproject.org>
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