[TWN team] Tor Weekly News: Help Desk Roundup

Matt Pagan matt at pagan.io
Mon Sep 2 18:34:51 UTC 2013

In August, I created a section in Tor Weekly News called "Help
Desk Roundup" where I summarized some of our help request tickets. I
think all support-team people should feel encouraged to submit
summaries of popular or interesting help requests to this section of
Tor Weekly News. I don't think support issues will be well
represented if I'm the only one reporting them. 

Tor Weekly News has some advantages over IRC and tor-reports when it
comes to bringing attention to help desk issues. TWN is widely
read, so more people will find out about user issues. TWN is also
weekly, so support issues can be communicated more frequently here.
Non-urgent support issues that popped up at the beginning of the month
don't have to wait until the next monthly report to get attention. 

When submitting to Tor Weekly News, please keep descriptions concise.
Don't just mention the quesiton asked; also describe how you resolved
the issue. The deadline for TWN submissions is every Tuesday at noon,

I've CCed the news-team on this in case they want to give additional
sugestions. Thanks for making Tor better. 

Matt Pagan

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