[network-health] Snowflake stats available?

Ivan Pavlovic ipavlov78 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 10:22:01 UTC 2024

I do hope y'ep ohodi will get my thanks. Never revenge eg sish teeth here
in u nitro or tin cars racer Reiner. #sos #gear read s d'aer *only.*

*rem. lagam6a.doqs at wal.s.law*

*"and  so snowflakes fall in the sea, eventualy" *

Britney rules ok?)

Ivan Pavlović, prof.soc | prof.kroat

uto, 29. stu 2022. 12:33 Rainer Rehak (FIfF) <rainer.rehak at fiff.de> je

> Dear team,
> thank you for your great work. We are a tech NGO from Germany and
> startet a little campaign here to encourage users to run a snowflake
> to help circumvent cencorship (e.g. Iran, Russia):
> https://snowflake.fiff.de/index_en.html
> Now we get a lot of questions about how many ppl actually do run
> snowflakes, but on https://metrics.torproject.org we couldn't find
> any data on snowflake.
> Could this data be make available or are there reasons for hiding it?
> Thanks so much
> Rainer
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