[network-health] Snowflake stats available?
meskio at torproject.org
Tue Nov 29 12:33:44 UTC 2022
Quoting Rainer Rehak (FIfF) (2022-11-25 02:19:15)
> thank you for your great work. We are a tech NGO from Germany and
> startet a little campaign here to encourage users to run a snowflake
> to help circumvent cencorship (e.g. Iran, Russia):
> https://snowflake.fiff.de/index_en.html
> Now we get a lot of questions about how many ppl actually do run
> snowflakes, but on https://metrics.torproject.org we couldn't find
> any data on snowflake.
> Could this data be make available or are there reasons for hiding it?
The metrics are public, see the snowflake stadistics in collector:
The last one I see is:
snowflake-ips DE=9498,US=5900,NL=1397,RU=1159,FR=1066,GB=1012,BE=776,CH=669,JP=645,AT=618,CA=593,IT=511,IN=480,BR=454,PL=359,SE=331,AU=327,ES=293,RO=254,IR=2
snowflake-ips-badge 178
snowflake-ips-iptproxy 4343
snowflake-ips-standalone 2875
snowflake-ips-webext 23388
snowflake-ips-total 30784
So there are 30k snowflakes, 23k are webextensions and just in germany ~9.5k.
We haven't got the time yet to plot those data properly in
metrics.torproject.org, I just created a ticket for it:
Another way to access similar data is in the prometheus[0] exporter of the
snowflake broker:
[0] https://prometheus.io/
meskio | https://meskio.net/
My contact info: https://meskio.net/crypto.txt
Nos vamos a Croatan.
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