[network-health] Upgrade your 'glenda2' Tor relay?

Roger Dingledine arma at torproject.org
Thu Oct 24 12:45:54 UTC 2019

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 03:52:47PM +0200, Christoph Lohmann wrote:
> The  nodes are  now  at  version  Thanks  for  the hint  about 
> deb.torproject.org.                                                     

Thanks! Your upgraded relay looks good.

I've started the process of unblacklisting the fingerprint. It will
need a threshold of the directory authorities to pull the update, so it
could be a couple of days until it takes effect, but hopefully it will
be relatively soon.

You can go to the bottom of
and paste in your fingerprint or nickname to see progress.

> Glenda1 and  glenda2 are both  dedicated VPS with  2 TB of  traffic per 
> month, exclusively for  the tor project. I  increased all BandwidthRate 
> settings to the following values:                                                
> RelayBandwidthRate 1 M
> RelayBandwidthBurst 8 M
> AccountingMax 2 TB
> AccountingStart month 1 00:00

Looks reasonable. Be aware that some VPS providers count a byte in and a
byte out as two bytes. So if that's your provider, you're on track to be
double-spending for the month. See also "AccountingRule" in the man page.

> What's more needed on the network? Servers, which allow high bursts and 
> then  vanish or  servers, wich  offer constant  bandwidth, but  all the 
> time?                                                                   

It depends what bandwidthrate you're offering, but I think the answer in
general is "somewhere in between": pick a bandwidthrate where you'll be
around at least half of the month, and then maybe you'll be around for
the whole month too:


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