[metrics-team] Sonarqube on metrics-lib

Fava fava at libertymail.net
Sat May 18 23:09:00 UTC 2019


I am starting to setup dev environment and I execute a source
code static analysis on metrics-lib using sonarqube[1].

There are some issues: something that could be easily fixed and others
that could take more work.

Please find in attachment the result of sonarqube analysis [2].
* What do you think if I start working on these issues?
* In your opinion, are there some priority in these issues?
* I see that you use an agile approach and track activity. Have you any
advice how to track this activity?

1. Start sonarqube docker image [3]
2. Set up build.xml in order to add sonar task [4]
3. I created a python script in order to extract information from
sonarqube API [5]
4. Execute python script [5]

Best Regards,

[1] https://www.sonarqube.org/
[2] report-metrics-lib.csv.zip
[3] https://docs.docker.com/samples/library/sonarqube/
[5] create-report.py
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