[metrics-team] DNS exit scan results as json

Karsten Loesing karsten at torproject.org
Mon Jun 18 13:43:36 UTC 2018

On 2018-06-18 11:54, nusenu wrote:
> Hi Metrics Team,

Hi nusenu,

> what do you think about adding DNS failure rate measurements to collector/onionoo/RS?
> Arthur was very fast at replying to my request:
> https://arthuredelstein.net/exits-json/
> https://arthuredelstein.net/exits
> The goal would be to display a warning directly on RS if the failure rate exceeds a 
> certain threshold. This would bring the information directly to where relay operators
> most likely notice it.

Yes, I can imagine adding DNS failure rates to Tor Metrics. But we're
way slower than Arthur these days, so it may take a few months until we
get there. Can you please add a ticket under Metrics/Ideas, for
discussion in July when irl is on board full-time?

Regarding your implicit question whether this feature should be added to
Collector or Onionoo or Relay Search, my preference would be that we add
more things to the former than to the latter two. If data is available
in CollecTor, we can use it in other tools than Onionoo. If data is
available in Onionoo, we can use it in other tools than Relay Search.
The downside is that it takes longer to add data to CollecTor, but I'd
rather fix that by doing it more often. In the end, if we add things
only to Relay Search, we'll find ourselves adding them to Onionoo or
CollecTor later on, which means that we're effectively spending the
effort twice.

All the best,

> thanks,
> nusenu
> nusenu:
>> Hi Arthur,
>> I was wondering if you would be interested in providing the 
>> scan results of your /exits page in json form
>> so we can archive them better and maybe even display results on
>> atlas and maybe add it to collector.
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